Thursday, October 31, 2019

United Nations Human Rights Council Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

United Nations Human Rights Council - Essay Example It has been looked upon by most poor nation for protection against the oppression. The UN has been intervening in various instances in the world especially where the life of humans is directly touched. It has been intervening in wars to being peace, in hunger to bring food, in disease to bring medicine, and in other instances. In order to function properly, the UN has formed several bodies which have been assisting it to carry out its functions properly. There have been many areas that the body needs to address and therefore it has found it necessary to form other bodies which acts like its agencies. For example, it has formed the Security Council which is the main body that makes the decision for all major intervention that the body has to take. It has formed the UNDP which is concerned with development of the world. The world health organization is the agency of the UN which is mandated with carrying out various activities that promote the health and wellbeing of the people. The Un ited Nation Food Programs is an agency that has been mandated with carrying out various activities that are aimed at ensuring that there is no hunger in the world. UNICIEF is the agency of the UN that has been given the mandate of looking after the affairs of the children. These are some of the bodies that help the UN to carry out its function properly in order to eliminate all forms of suffering in the world. United Nations Human Rights System 2The United Nations has created a global structure which is aimed at protecting human rights. This is based on the UN charter, non abiding declaration, legally biding treating and other activities which are all aimed at ensuring that there is democracy and human rights in the whole world. Human right in the world have been protected through the United National Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human right which have been the two pillars which has continued to guide the world body and upon which other regal bodies base their human right laws. The UN adopted these two guides in 1948 and all members who had ratified to the body were henceforth supposed to abide by the provision of the charter. The provision of the charter is legally beign argent which is protected under the international law. Since then the UN has gradually developed human right laws and has also been creating specific standard which are supposed to ensure that there is equal enjoyment of human right by all the v ulnerable groups including women, children and all minorities. 3In order to ensure that there is maximum protection of human rights, the UN came up with several other treaties which form the centerpiece of the human right systems. In 1976 the International Covenant on economic, social and cultural rights came into force and was supposed to be enforced by all UN members. In the same year, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights was also entered in to force which two optical protocols. In 1969 the UN human rights system had been given a boost by the enhancement of the International Convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination. In 1987, the Convention against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment was enacted. In 1982, there was the enactment of the Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women which had optical protocols. In 1990, the Convention on

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using the Internet Essay Example for Free

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using the Internet Essay Nowadays, the Internet is growing rapidly. Many people open Internet because it assists a lot of benefits to humans. However, many people become victims after accessing the internet. In this essay, I will discuss the benefits and dangers of the internet. The internet has many benefits. One of these benefits of Internet is it is the medium of communication. There are many facilities on the internet helps us to communicate such as E-mail, Facebook, Twitter and others. All these facilities enable people to communicate with other people from different countries in the world so that it can explore other cultures of different ethnicity. Also, Internet is a medium of information. Today, a lot of people need the information from the internet. Because every second on the internet, updates the information required by humans. For instance, Google and Yahoo are search engine information on the internet that provide all kinds of topics the information we need. Furthermore, Internet is a medium of entertainment. Internet becomes successful because it provides a lot of entertainment that humans need. For example, today many people are watching or downloading free entertainment on the internet, and many people are playing on-line games. In contrary, the internet has a lot of disadvantages. The fact of the matter is that the internet has thousands of porn sites. This is the greatest threat to human life, especially the children. There have been many people who became victims of pornographic sites on the internet. For example, now in Indonesia, many teenage girls do not have virgin. That is because porn sites affect their lifestyle so that they eliminate the virgin with boyfriend easily. Also, the Internet sends viruses to your computer. When your computer connects to the internet it is often the case that a virus attacks your computer hard disk. In addition, many people steal personal information on the internet. The case is often occurring in today’s world, when people save personal information such as name, address, credit card number, and others, so many criminals will access the data. Therefore, beware of internet because he has a lot of harm to human life. In conclusion, I believe that the Internet helps people in the communications, information and entertainment. However, the Internet also has much negative side. Therefore, use the internet for positive things so that we get a lot of benefits.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Analysis of Efficiency of Solar PV Cell

Analysis of Efficiency of Solar PV Cell The efficiency estimation is the most frequently method used to compare the performance of solar cells. This method can be defined as the ratio of power output from the solar cell over the irradiance power output. In addition of estimating the performance of the solar cell itself, the efficiency depends on the spectrum, intensity of sunlight and the temperature of the solar cell (Fouladi et al., 2013). The efficiency of solar cells can be estimated using the following Equation 3.15: ÃŽ · Where I is the output current, V is the voltage, A is the aperture surface area of the PV module. P is the electrical power generated, GT is the solar radiation flux on module plane (W/m2) and ÃŽ · is the cell/module electrical efficiency. The panel efficiency is effected by the cell temperature and irradiance and this effect in efficiency can by estimated by connecting the existing environment conditions to a reference condition using the following Equation 3.16 (Fouladi et al., 2013): ÃŽ ·ref is the cell efficiency at the reference temperature, Tref (typically 25 Â ºC), 1000 W/m2 is the reference solar irradiance. ÃŽ ² is the temperature coefficient and ÃŽ ³ is the solar irradiance coefficient and both coefficients depend on the PV materials. From Equation 3.16, it can be noticed that an increase in cell temperature (TC) would result in decrease in efficiency (Fouladi et al., 2013). The value of ÃŽ ³ is often assumed to be zero and Equation 3.17 will be: ÃŽ ·ref and ÃŽ ² values are given by the manufacturers. However, the can be estimated using a flash test in which the cell’s electrical output is measured at two different temperatures for given solar radiation flux (Hart and Raghuraman, 1982; Skoplaki and Palyvos, 2009). The actual value of ÃŽ ² it depends on Tref along with the dependence on PV materials and it can be given by Equation 3.18: T0 is the temperature at which the electrical efficiency of the PV module reach is zero (Garg and Agarwal, 1995; Skoplaki and Palyvos, 2009). For crystalline silicon solar cells the highest temperature in at which the PV module electricity drops to Zero is 270 Â ºC (Evans and Florschuetz, 1978; Skoplaki and Palyvos, 2009). The output voltage decreases significantly with the increase of the cell temperature and that causes the current to increase slightly. Nominal operation cell temperature method (NOCT) is used to estimate the cell temperature. This method estimates the cell temperature by measure the cell temperature of an open-rack PV module under an open circuit and in a standard reference environment Fouladi et al., 2013). The solar radiation is estimated typically to be 800W/m2 (GT, NOCT) and the PV panel is tilted 45Â º from the horizontal and exposed to 20 Â ºC air (Ta, NOCT) at 1 m/s. Equation 3.19 can be expressed as (Fouladi et al., 2013): Tc = Where UL is the thermal loss coefficient, Ta is the air temperature and GT is the irradiance on the plane of the panel. Coefficient Ï„ is the solar transmittance of glazing and coefficient ÃŽ ± is the solar absorptance of the PV layer. ÃŽ · is the electrical efficiency. According to (Duffie and Beckham, 1980; Fouladi et al., 2013), the term is negligible so Equation 3.20 will become: Tc = UL which is the overall heat loss for the panel can be estimated using the following Equation 3.20: UL = Where h is the convective heat loss coefficient and qrad is the radiation heat loss from the panel. There are other environmental factors that can influence the performance and the efficiency of the PV cells other than the temperature such as (Mekhilef et al., 2012): Dust Dust accumulation on the surface of PV panel reduces the amount of irradiance required for PV cell to reach maximum efficiency. The excessive accumulation of dust decreases the quality of the solar cells. Humidity: The effect of the humidity it is somehow comparable to the effect of the dust. The water vapor particles decreases the level of the sunlight irradiance needed for the PV panel to reach the maximum efficiency. When the PV surface becomes moist, the light is scattered either by reflection, diffraction or refraction when it comes in contact with the water droplets. Beside the environmental factors that affect the efficiency of the PV panel, there are technical factors that are based on electricity generation system that also can influence the efficiency of the module such as (Darwish et al., 2013): Effect of tilt angle: The tilt angle is one of major factors that determine the performance of the PV panels. The variation of the angle that the system is set with can control the level of the dust disposition on the glass and the amount of irradiance transmission of the plate under various weather conditions. Effect of PV Technology Photovoltaic technology is classified into two groups which are silicon crystalline and thin film. Each group of PV modules consists of different types of solar cells. These different types of solar cell vary also in their efficiencies, resistance to high temperatures and also resistance to harsh environment locations. The investigations found that a-Si performs best in dusty environment. Effect of Cleaning There are four methods to remove the dust and reduce the effect of the dust on the PV glass panel such as; (1) Natural, (2) Mechanical, (3) electro-mechanical and (4) electrostatic. The natural cleaning method is considered to be the simplest removal method because it depends on the rainfall and wind clearing. References Fouladi, F. Henshaw, P. and Ting, S. D. K. (2013): Enhancing Smart Grid realization with accurate prediction of photovoltaic performance based on weather forecast, International Journal of Environmental Studies, vol. (70), no. (5), pp. 754-764, DOI: 10.1080/00207233.2013.798497 Skoplaki, E. and Palyvos, J. A. (2009): On the temperature dependence of photovoltaic module electrical performance: A review of efficiency/power correlations, Solar Energy, vol. (83), pp. 614–624 Hart, G.W. and Raghuraman, P. (1982): Simulation of thermal aspects of residential photovoltaic systems. MIT Report DOE/ET/20279-202. Garg, H.P. and Agarwal, R .K. (1995): Some aspects of a PV/T collector/forced circulation flat plate solar water heater with solar cells. Energy Conversion and Management, vol. (36), pp. 87–99. Evans, D.L. and Florschuetz, L.W. (1978): Terrestrial concentrating photovoltaic power system studies. Solar Energy vol. (20), pp. 37–43. Duffie, J.A. and Beckman, W.A., 1980, Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, 2nd ed. (New York: John Wiley and Sons). Mekhilef, S. Saidur, R. and Kamalisarvestani, M. (2012): Effect of dust, humidity and air velocity on efficiency of photovoltaic cells, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. (16), pp. 2920-2925. Darwish, Z. A. Kazem, H. A. Sopian, K. Alghoul, M. A. and Chaichan, M. T. (2013): Impact of Some Environmental Variables with Dust on Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Performance: Review and Research Status, vol. (7), no. (4), pp. 152-159

Friday, October 25, 2019

Death and Time in Slaughterhouse-Five Essay -- Slaughterhouse-Five Ess

Death and Time in Slaughterhouse-Five We all wish we could travel through time, going back to correct our stupid mistakes or zooming ahead to see the future. In Kurt Vonnegut's novel Slaughterhouse-Five, however, time travel does not seem so helpful. Billy Pilgrim, Vonnegut's main character, has come unstuck in time. He bounces back and forth between his past, present, and future lives in a roller coaster time trip that proves both senseless and numbing. Examining Billy's time traveling, his life on Tralfamadore, and the novel's schizophrenic structure shows that time travel is actually a metaphor for our human tendency to avoid facing the unpleasant reality of death. Because he cannot control time travel, Billy is forced to relive again and again some of the most painful parts of his life. For example, Edgar Derby, his wartime father-figure, is senselessly executed by the Germans for stealing a teapot, while Valencia Pilgrim, his own wife, dies accidentally from carbon monoxide poisoning after her car's exhaust system is damaged in an accident. Barbara Greeley has observed that the effect of having to witness these events over and over is that "Billy becomes emotionally desensitized to human suffering and death, and is thus robbed of compassion" (3). Her point is well taken, for without this human emotion Billy is reduced to the level of an unfeeling machine. On the planet Tralfamadore where Billy is taken after he is kidnapped by extraterrestrials, his machine-like response to suffering and death grows only worse. Like Billy, the Tralfamadorians have no sense of chronological order; they see time as an earthling might "see a stretch of the Rocky Mountains" (85-86), with... ...ound by time, which includes the ultimate reality of death. Although death limits us by limiting our experiences, our lives are made more meaningful precisely because they are so short. Unlike Tralfamadorians, who cannot change history, we can look back in time and learn from the mistakes of the past. Only in this sense can we truly be time travelers: that we reflect on the past and incorporate its lessons into our present lives so that the future will be more productive. Sources Greeley, Barbara. "New Insights into Vonnegut's Thinking: Slaughterhouse-Five and The Sirens of Titan." Psychology Today June 1990: 1+. Marten, Stephen Edward. "Why We Read Vonnegut Today." Twentieth Century Interpretations of Kurt Vonnegut. Ed Russell Baker. New York: Norton, 1988. 8-25. Vonnegut, Kurt. Slaughterhouse-Five. New York: Dell Publishing, 1988.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ku Klux Klan’s Effect on America Essay

The first Klan had first started around the year of 1860’s. The first klan had lead up to the effects of the 1920’s. The KKK had a tumultious start, and it had a major effect on America in the 1920’s. The first klan began in Tennessee, by six Confederate Army Officers, in the winter of 1865. Ku klux Klan rose about four million and spread from the South into the Midwest region and Northern states and even into Canada. The name of the Ku Klux Klan is â€Å"derived from the Grrek word ‘kyklos,’ meaning circle† (Wikimedia Foundation). ‘Klan was added for the purpose of alliteration† (â€Å"Ku Klux Klan†). The infamous burning-cross icon became a symbol of the KKK in the 1920’s, which was one of many tactics used for intimidation. Perhaps the most distinguishing characteristic of Klan members were the white robes they wore along with cone shaped hats that covered their faces. These costumes accomplished their goal of making them look more outlandish and terrifying, and for the intimidation of their victims (Smith). The Klan was pretty selective in accepting members, only WASPs (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) could become members. These members possessed the ideology of white supremacy to all other races and ethnic divisions, similar to the concept of Neo-Nazism, however they claim to have based their beliefs on Christian values and nativism. It is often thought that the KKK only hated African-Americans, but many other groups acquired hatred from the Klan, such as Jews, Catholics , homosexuals and various immigrant groups. Anti-Defamination League). Even though the stock started to gain their stocks and shares didn’t stop the Great Depression from happening (Kelly). Many people wonder why any group of people would posses such a hatred Dubbs 3 for certain groups of people. While there is no legitimate justification, one factor contributing to their hate was the rapid economic progression in the North, and the stagnant economy of the South. This may have been what angered the white southerners so much that they put blame onto the black population, along with leftover racial disputes from the times of slavery (Trueman). People of today also wonder how society could permit such destruction of life, and also support it. Back then, the Klan had many sources of income including membership fees, funds acquired from various events and sales of Klan propaganda, as well as free will donations. â€Å"This income made the Klan’s many forms of media and strategy possible, such as mass mailings, pamphlets and public events and protests. They also did community service projects such as ‘adopt a highway’ programs to make themselves look good in the eyes of their communities† (Anti-Defamanation League). The members of the Ku Klux Klan did everything in their power to prevent the black community from exercising their newly acquired rights, which was often done during massive events. During a typical KKK event, they dressed in robes symbolizing their rank, then went on nighttime raids, during which they would whip and murder blacks and any of their supporters (â€Å"Ku Klux Klan†). These events, unfortunately, were extremely effective. This lack of a political presence is what allowed the Klan to exist for such a long period of time. KKK existed from the initial founding until around 1870, â€Å"when congress passed the KKK act which allowed authorities to end such activities by force and penalize anyone who affiliated with terrorist organizations† (â€Å"Ku Klux Klan†). At this time, blacks were the only targets of the KKK, for the most part.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

African American Heritage Paper Essay

This paper explores the African American heritage and also identifies the significance of nurses being culturally aware, sensitive and competent when caring for people of African American heritage. Although these terms mentioned above are used interchangeably, they have different meanings. Cultural awareness is appreciating the external or material part of the culture, such as the music, arts, and physical characteristics, and dress. Cultural sensitivity is the personal attitudes toward the culture, such as not saying things that is offensive to someone from a different ethnic or cultural background (Purnell,2013, p. 4). Cultural competence is putting it all together; by using your knowledge to provide culturally congruent care and to be able to work effectively with people in cross- cultural situations. African Americans are the second largest ethnocultural groups in the United States; however, it is one of the most misunderstood cultures. This culture is so unique because they have mixed their cultures from their different homes of origin in Africa, along with American culture. This paper overviews the history, communications, family roles, workforce issues, biocultural ecology, high-risk behaviors, pregnancy and childbearing practices, spirituality, health care practices, nutrition, and death rituals in the African American culture. It is important that nurses see themselves as becoming culturally competent when caring for African Americans, and this involves incorporating cultural desire, cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural skill, and cultural encounter with the people of African American heritage (Campinha-Bacote, 2009). 2 A NURSING METHOD TO AFRICAN AMERICAN HERITAGE One of the largest minority groups in the United States, African Americans culture includes the various cultural traditions of different African ethnic groups. â€Å"Data from the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census (2001) reveals that there are approximately 34,333,000 African Americans residing in the United States, representing 12. 1% of the total population† (Campinha-Bacote, 2009). They were forcibly imported into the United States as slaves from 1619 to 1860 (Purnell, 2013, p. 21). During slavery, they incorporated their culture from their homes of origin, and as a result, their culture included several cultural traditions of African ethnic groups. Many African Americans live in poverty due to discrimination and lack of proper education. Most families of African American heritage value education, but they still struggle to have equal representation in the workplace, and are more likely to work in a hazardous environment, resulting in job related diseases and illness. Due to the lower-level positions and the difficulty in achieving higher opportunities in the workplace, some African Americans continue to feel discouraged. Nurses need to address discrimination and also issues that create ethnic or racial tension in the workplace. English is the language spoken by African Americans, however, people of lower socio economical status communicate in an informal language known as African American English (AAE) (Purnell, 2013, p. 22). According to Campinha-Bacote (2009), the major problem that AAE speakers face is prejudice. Most people believe that AAE is inferior to Standard American English. As a result, African Americans who speak AAE are sometimes misinterpreted as being uneducated. Nurses should be aware not to stereotype African Americans as only speaking AAE, and also not to stereotype them as uneducated based on the way they communicate. African Americans are expressive when 3 A NURSING METHOD TO AFRICAN AMERICAN HERITAGE communicating and often use body languages to convey their feelings. Their expressive language and body movement can be misconstrued as anger or provocation. Nurses need to be familiar with these characteristics and not misinterpret them. As a nurse, when interacting with African Americans for the first time, be sure to address them formally, until given permission to use other names, such as their first name. The African-American family has evolved over the last two decades and still continues to evolve. A person that is brought up in a traditional nuclear family is more likely to continue that tradition. Whereas, a person that is brought up in a single parent home is more likely to continue that same tradition. Although these situations are more likely, they are not always so. To provide the most competent care, the best thing for the nurse to do would be to ask the patient in a non-judgmental way about family dynamics and also ask them what they would feel the most comfortable with when it comes to decision making for their care. The nurse should then accept this decision. Being knowledgeable about this cultural group’s family values and beliefs are crucial for providing care for the African American patient (Revell & McGhee, 2012). A high percentage of African American households are matriarchal and fall below poverty level. With that being said, it is wise for nurses to make a point of including women when discussing health care issues. Nurses also should take note when dealing with homosexual individuals in this ethnic group, not to break confidence by sharing their lifestyles with others. This information can jeopardize and cause conflicts within the family and ruin relationships. Romantic relationships of the same-sex are not totally acceptable within this culture. 4 A NURSING METHOD TO AFRICAN AMERICAN HERITAGE As in many culture, social status is important in African American community. African Americans are often met with negative atmosphere and prejudice attitudes based on their cultural background and skin color. Assumptions are made based on AAE spoken by some as an indication of unintelligence and the lack of education. These assumptions sometimes affect employment opportunities and job promotions. Nurses should be cautious not to fall into the stereotyping African Americans based on these characteristics. African American skin color ranges from light to very dark due to the combination of a gene pool of more than 100 racial strains (Purnell, 2013, p. 25). When assessing for cyanosis in dark-skinned African Americans, be sure to pay attention to the oral mucosa or conjunctiva. When assessing for pallor, note the absence of the underlying red tones that give the skin it’s glow. Lastly, when observing for jaundice, be sure to look at the sclera of the eyes, the soles of the feet, and the palms of the hands for any yellow discoloration (25). Health care is a luxury that low socioeconomic African Americans may not be able to afford. Meeting their daily needs takes priority over what they believe to be minor health issues. Consequently, diseases that could be treatable might end up being a life- threatening situation. African Americans are family orientated, because of this; some tend to initially seek medical attention from family members rather than going to a health care professional. Health care professionals need to be aware of this and work toward teaching and distributing health information via church and community centers. Most African American women are against abortion due to religious, cultural, and moral beliefs. As a result, there is a delay in making a decision until it becomes too late. 5 A NURSING METHOD TO AFRICAN AMERICAN HERITAGE Family support is crucial for pregnant African American women. Gichia (2000) studied and found out that African American women look for role models such as older female relatives, or if they have none, they look for someone who seemed like a mother to them, such as a neighbor. These role models can provide the pregnant woman and new mother with needed support. According to Abbyad & Robertson (2011), nurses caring for pregnant African American women need to be informed about the variety of ways in which childbirth preparation can occur, as in any other group of pregnant women. Moreover, nurses need to consider the ways in which their attitudes and behaviors send unwelcoming messages to African American women seeking prenatal care or childbirth classes. These attitudes can discourage the African American woman in seeking further care. â€Å"Culturally competent care for the childbearing African American woman includes addressing all components of care including the use of complementary and alternative medicine† (Revell, 2012). The childbirth nurse that is providing culturally competent care should be aware that the perceived norm is different for every family. African Americans are spiritual and are usually affiliated with some religious order. Historically, the church has played a major role in the life of African American culture. The church is a place where they can meet on common grounds. Faith and prayer is one of the most important attributes of Christian African Americans. They believe that God has the power to heal them, and he also has the power not to. They believe that whatever happens to them is according to God’s will. Food is very valuable in the African American culture. It symbolizes health and wealth. It is derived from African descent. When food is offered to someone, it means that the person is valued; and by offering food, they are given you something that is 6 A NURSING METHOD TO AFRICAN AMERICAN HERITAGE valuable to them. When it comes to nutrition, some African American diets are high in cholesterol and fats. According to James (2004), â€Å"African Americans will need information on basic nutrition topics such as serving sizes and reading food labels†. Nurses that work in African American communities should be involved in programs that promote healthy food choices. These programs can specifically be developed for churches, neighborhood grocery stores, and local restaurants. â€Å"Health disparities among the African-American population include life expectancy, heart disease, hypertension, infant morality and morbidity rates, cancer, sickle cell diseases, HIV/AIDS, violence, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and asthma† (Campinha-Bacote, 2009). Unfortunately, they have the tendency to see a health care professional only when absolutely necessary. â€Å"Health is viewed as harmony with nature, whereas illness is seen as a disruption in this harmonic state due to demons† (Purnell, 2013, p. 33). Recognize and support your patient cultural behaviors and believes to promote healthy interactions. In addition, always provide factual information about health practices that may not be understood due to their cultural believes and cultural differences. In conclusion, it is recommended that nurses familiarize themselves with cultural specific information in order to provide cultural competent care in African American community. Nurses should consider the following question: â€Å"In caring for African- American patients, have I asked myself the right questions. † It is important for nurses to be aware of their biases and prejudices toward African Americans. In addition, they should possess the needed skills to conduct a cultural assessment while possessing knowledge of this cultural group (Campinha-Bacote, 2009). Lastly, nurses should always 7 A NURSING METHOD TO AFRICAN AMERICAN HERITAGE have the desire to become culturally competent not just with African American patients, but any patient that has been placed in their charge. 8 A NURSING METHOD TO AFRICAN AMERICAN HERITAGE Resources Abbyad, C. , & Robertson, T. (2011). African American Women’s Preparation for Childbirth From the Perspective of African American Health-Care Providers. Journal Of Perinatal Education, 20(1), 45-53. doi:10. 1891/1058-1243. 20. 1. 45 Campinha-Bacote, J. (2009). Culture and diversity issues. A culturally competent model of care for African Americans. Urologic Nursing, 29(1), 49-54. Gichia, J. E, (2000), Mothers and others: African-American women’s preparation for motherhood. The American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing, 25(2), 86-91, James, D. (2004). Factors influencing food choices, dietary intake, and nutrition-related attitudes among African Americans: application of a culturally sensitive model. Ethnicity & Health, 9(4), 349-367. Purnell, L. D. (2009). People of African American Heritage. Guide to culturally competent health care (2nd ed. , p. 21-35). Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Co. Revell, M. A. , & McGhee, M. N. (2012). Evolution of the African American Family. International Journal Of Childbirth Education, 27(4), 44-48. Revell, M. A. (2012). Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the African American Culture. International Journal Of Childbirth Education, 27(3), 55-59.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Biography of Srinivasa Ramanujan, Mathematical Genius

Biography of Srinivasa Ramanujan, Mathematical Genius Srinivasa Ramanujan (born December 22, 1887 in Erode, India) was an Indian mathematician who made substantial contributions to mathematics- including results in number theory, analysis, and infinite series- despite having little formal training in math. Fast Facts: Srinivasa Ramanujan Full Name: Srinivasa Aiyangar RamanujanKnown For: Prolific mathematicianParents’ Names: K. Srinivasa Aiyangar, KomalatammalBorn: December 22, 1887 in Erode, IndiaDied: April 26, 1920 at age 32 in Kumbakonam, IndiaSpouse: JanakiammalInteresting Fact: Ramanujans life is depicted in a book published in 1991 and a 2015 biographical film, both titled The Man Who Knew Infinity. Early Life and Education Ramanujan was born on December 22, 1887, in Erode, a city in southern India. His father, K. Srinivasa Aiyangar, was an accountant, and his mother Komalatammal was the daughter of a city official. Though Ramanujan’s family was of the Brahmin caste, the highest social class in India, they lived in poverty. Ramanujan began attending school at the age of 5. In 1898, he transferred to Town High School in Kumbakonam. Even at a young age, Ramanujan demonstrated extraordinary proficiency in math, impressing his teachers and upperclassmen. However, it was G.S. Carr’s book, A Synopsis of Elementary Results in Pure Mathematics, which reportedly spurred Ramanujan to become obsessed with the subject. Having no access to other books, Ramanujan taught himself mathematics using Carr’s book, whose topics included integral calculus and power series calculations. This concise book would have an unfortunate impact on the way Ramanujan wrote down his mathematical results later, as his writings included too few details for many people to understand how he arrived at his results. Ramanujan was so interested in studying mathematics that his formal education effectively came to a standstill. At the age of 16, Ramanujan matriculated at the Government College in Kumbakonam on a scholarship, but lost his scholarship the next year because he had neglected his other studies. He then failed the First Arts examination in 1906, which would have allowed him to matriculate at the University of Madras, passing math but failing his other subjects. Career For the next few years, Ramanujan worked independently on mathematics, writing down results in two notebooks. In 1909, he began publishing work in the Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society, which gained him recognition for his work despite lacking a university education. Needing employment, Ramanujan became a clerk in 1912 but continued his mathematics research and gained even more recognition. Receiving encouragement from a number of people, including the mathematician Seshu Iyer, Ramanujan sent over a letter along with about 120 mathematical theorems to G. H. Hardy, a lecturer in mathematics at Cambridge University in England. Hardy, thinking that the writer could either be a mathematician who was playing a prank or a previously undiscovered genius, asked another mathematician J.E. Littlewood, to help him look at Ramanujan’s work. The two concluded that Ramanujan was indeed a genius. Hardy wrote back, noting that Ramanujan’s theorems fell into roughly three categories: results that were already known (or which could easily be deduced with known mathematical theorems); results that were new, and that were interesting but not necessarily important; and results that were both new and important. Hardy immediately began to arrange for Ramanujan to come to England, but Ramanujan refused to go at first because of religious scruples about going overseas.  However, his mother dreamed that the Goddess of Namakkal commanded her to not prevent Ramanujan from fulfilling his purpose. Ramanujan arrived in England in 1914 and began his collaboration with Hardy. In 1916, Ramanujan obtained a Bachelor of Science by Research (later called a Ph.D.) from Cambridge University. His thesis was based on highly composite numbers, which are integers that have more divisors (or numbers that they can be divided by) than do integers of smaller value. In 1917, however, Ramanujan became seriously ill, possibly from tuberculosis, and was admitted to a nursing home at Cambridge, moving to different nursing homes as he tried to regain his health. In 1919, he showed some recovery and decided to move back to India. There, his health deteriorated again and he died there the following year. Personal Life On July 14, 1909, Ramanujan married Janakiammal, a girl whom his mother had selected for him. Because she was 10 at the time of marriage, Ramanujan did not live together with her until she reached puberty at the age of 12, as was common at the time. Honors and Awards 1918, Fellow of the Royal Society1918, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge University In recognition of Ramanujan’s achievements, India also celebrates Mathematics Day on December 22, Ramanjan’s birthday. Death Ramanujan died on April 26, 1920 in Kumbakonam, India, at the age of 32. His death was likely caused by an intestinal disease called hepatic amoebiasis. Legacy and Impact Ramanujan proposed many formulas and theorems during his lifetime. These results, which include solutions of problems that were previously considered to be unsolvable, would be investigated in more detail by other mathematicians, as Ramanujan relied more on his intuition rather than writing out mathematical proofs. His results include: An infinite series for Ï€, which calculates the number based on the summation of other numbers. Ramanujan’s infinite series serves as the basis for many algorithms used to calculate Ï€.The Hardy-Ramanujan asymptotic formula, which provided a formula for calculating the partition of numbers- numbers that can be written as the sum of other numbers. For example, 5 can be written as 1 4, 2 3, or other combinations.The Hardy-Ramanujan number, which Ramanujan stated was the smallest number that can be expressed as the sum of cubed numbers in two different ways. Mathematically, 1729 13 123 93 103. Ramanujan did not actually discover this result, which was actually published by the French mathematician Frà ©nicle de Bessy in 1657. However, Ramanujan made the number 1729 well known.1729 is an example of a â€Å"taxicab number,† which is the smallest number that can be expressed as the sum of cubed numbers in n different ways. The name derives from a conversation bet ween Hardy and Ramanujan, in which Ramanujan asked Hardy the number of the taxi he had arrived in. Hardy replied that it was a boring number, 1729, to which Ramanujan replied that it was actually a very interesting number for the reasons above. Sources Kanigel, Robert. The Man Who Knew Infinity: A Life of the Genius Ramanujan. Scribner, 1991.Krishnamurthy, Mangala. â€Å"The Life and Lasting Influence of Srinivasa Ramanujan.† Science Technology Libraries, vol. 31, 2012, pp. 230–241.Miller, Julius. â€Å"Srinivasa Ramanujan: A Biographical Sketch.† School Science and Mathematics, vol. 51, no. 8, Nov. 1951, pp. 637–645.Newman, James. â€Å"Srinivasa Ramanujan.† Scientific American, vol. 178, no. 6, June 1948, pp. 54–57.OConnor, John, and Edmund Robertson. â€Å"Srinivasa Aiyangar Ramanujan.† MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, June 1998,, Dharminder, et al. â€Å"Srinvasa Ramanujans Contributions in Mathematics.† IOSR Journal of Mathematics, vol. 12, no. 3, 2016, pp. 137–139.â€Å"Srinivasa Aiyangar Ramanujan.† Ramanujan Museum Math Education Centre, M.A .T Educational Trust,

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Thomas Jefferson and the Louisiana Purchase essays

Thomas Jefferson and the Louisiana Purchase essays The purchase of the Louisiana Territory was not as easy a transaction as one might think. It was a very rushed, stressful process that caused President Thomas Jefferson a considerable amount of mental and emotional anguish. The problem that was the Louisiana purchase can be broken into three parts: Jefferson's dilemma, Jefferson's decision, and the consequences. When the opportunity to purchase the Louisiana Territory presented itself, Jefferson could not pass it up. However, being a strict constructionist, Jefferson strongly felt that any powers not specifically given to the federal government were reserved for the states. Obtaining the Louisiana territory would be very beneficial to the growing United States, but Jefferson opposed "manipulating" the constitution to allow him any power he wanted. So Jefferson proposed the idea of possibly making an amendment to the constitution that made it possible for the president to purchase land for the United States. The problem with this idea was time. It would take over three months for the amendment to be approved by the House, Senate, and an appropriate number of states. Napoleon started to wish he had not signed the treaty and looked for any reason to break it. If a decision were not made soon, Jefferson would lose the opportunity altogether. Jefferson had to find a way to make the Louisiana p urchase without the danger of it being ruled unconstitutional. Jefferson finally made a decision. He decided to purchase the Louisiana Territory from France. However, he still needed two-thirds of the Senate and a majority of the House to approve this treaty. Jefferson's party had an overwhelming majority in both the House and the Senate, so he knew his treaty would pass. Jefferson specifically said that Congress should just approve the treaty "without talking." The treaty had to be made "now," leaving congress no time to discuss it. Not surprisingly, the deal quickly passed, and the Louisia...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Base Multiplier Approach to Money Supply

Base Multiplier Approach to Money Supply Traditionally, it has been shown controversially that money supply is determined using the base multiplier approach. ‘The multiplier model of the money supply, originally developed by Brunner (1961) and Brunner and Meltzer (1964) has become the standard model to explain how the policy actions of the Central Bank influence the money stock’   [1] . However, there is more than sufficient evidence to suggest that monetary authorities do not determine the money supply and that the flow of funds approach makes more sense. Consequently, I will compare and contrast the base multiplier and the flow of funds approaches to the determination of money supply and determine which occurs in reality in view of the present economic climate. Under the base multiplier approach, the monetary authority (Bank of England) ‘sets the size of the monetary base, which in turn determines the stock of broad money as a multiple of the base’.   [2]   This process is described below: Ms = Cp + Dc (Equation 1) In the equation above, Ms refers to the broad money supply, Cp refers to private sector (excluding banks) notes and coins and Dc refers to bank deposits. The next equation is for the monetary base (B) is as follows: B = Cb + Db + Cp (Equation 2) In Equation 2, Cb refers to banks’ notes and coins while Db refers to deposits with the Bank of England. Both combined they can be called reserves R and can be substituted into the equation above to form Equation 3. B = R + Cp (Equation 3) The quantity of money can now be expressed as a multiple of the base as follows:   [3]    (Equation 4) The next stage is to divide through by bank deposits to obtain the Equation 5 as follows: If = ÃŽÂ ± and = ÃŽÂ ², then the equation above becomes Equation 6 below: The symbol ÃŽÂ ± is the private sector’s cash ratio, while ÃŽÂ ² represents bank reserves. Under the multiplier approach the money supply equation is then obtained by multiplying both sid es of the equation with the monetary base B. Therefore, Equation 7 becomes: The rationale behind this is that assuming ÃŽÂ ± and ÃŽÂ ² are fixed or stable, the money supply is ‘a multiple of the monetary base and can change only at the discretion of the authorities since the base consists entirely of central bank liabilities. The Flow of Funds approach says that money supplied is determined by open market operations. It presents the opposite view to the multiplier approach as those in favor believe that other factors determine the supply of money, not monetary authorities or policymakers, it looks at the demand for money not just the supply side. They also believe that banks are able to obtain reserves from central banks as required and are not a constraint. Under this approach credit or loans credit by the private sector create deposits and not the other way round as put forward by the base multiplier approach. The flow of funds model of money supply determination is as follows: Ms = Cp + Dc, the same definition of broad money supply as was used in the base multiplier approach (Equation 8) The next equation focuses on the changes in money supply, i.e:

Friday, October 18, 2019

Major Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Major Project - Essay Example The leadership of the organization has to pronounce their promise to support the safety programs boldly. Policies of the organization regarding safety and health management should address issues relating to the purpose of having a health safety programs. Measures are taken to safeguard the employees in the workplace and policies that protect the health and safety of an employee. The input of the worker in coming up with safety and health measures is very vital because their interests will be for because the policies affect them directly (OSHA, 2013). XYZ Company needs to form a special task force that should be the responsibility of investigating accidents in the workplace. The composition of the team should include representatives from the different departments in the organization to ensure theirs equal representation. Proper investigations should be on health and safety issues monthly reports should be done to evaluate made in addressing safety and health issues. Through such a taskforce, cases that deserve compensation will be in time hence avoiding legal lawsuits that seem to have drained the company’s revenues in the 2013 financial year (OSHA, 2013). It is prudent that the organization identifies high-risk zones within an organization and caution employees in advance. Some areas in the organization can be classified as high-risk zones because they pose severe threats to the health and safety of employees. It is important to create awareness amongst employees and discourage them from accessing such areas unnecessarily without getting prior permission. Training employees who operate in the danger zones is very essential because it offers them skills that can help them avoid accidents. When a hazard is in advance, it becomes simple to come up with measures that can be used to control them and lessen the severity of

Information Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Information Systems - Essay Example The researcher of this essay provides the reader with detailed explanation of Apple's company success. From the earliest government sponsored projects to produce computers based on vacuum tubes to today’s multi-core systems, the saga of computer technology has seen major players ousted and minor players become leaders. While many companies have come and gone over the past 40 years, Apple Computer comes across as one of the companies which has stood the test of time and has managed to turn out convincing products that have given it an image of innovation and being a radical organization. The essay describes that Apple is an American company and one of the front runners amongst computer hardware, software and allied equipment manufacturers. The company prides itself on creating innovative products for the consumer electronics and technology sectors. In 2005, it posted global sales of nearly 14 Billion dollars and had more than fourteen thousand people working for it around the w orld. The researcher then uses different analysis models, such as Porter’s Five Forces, Value Chain, Competitive Advantage, Value Proposition, Revenue Model and Information System to describe and present Apple's corporative strengths and weaknesses in modern market. For example, the five forces model shows that Apple has a significantly strong position in the market for some of its products e.g. the iPod and the iTunes Music Store but for others it is positioned on rather weak footing e.g. personal computers.

UWB Ad-Hoc Networks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10000 words

UWB Ad-Hoc Networks - Essay Example gnal has a bandwidth that exceeds the lesser of 500 MHz or 20% of the center frequency, there is an authorized unlicensed use of the frequency range starting from 3.1 GHz and up to 10.6GHz, also the emission limit is -41.3 dBm/MHz. This technology uses the Impulse Ratio (IR) method for its transmission; the rate is different for radar and imaging purposes to the communication purposes. The rate of impulses for radar and imaging is in the range of 1 to 100 mega pulses per second. The communication rate can be in a range of 1 to 2 giga pulses per second. This diagram shows how much faster Ultra Wide Band technology is over any existing current technologies also it provides a high level of mobility which is important for a mobile devices it is intended for. The advantage of UWB over traditional radio transmissions is that traditional way would be to modulate the frequency and phase of the signal as well as power, of a sinusoidal wave. However UWB transmits impulse at a specific time, there fore it allows pulse position modulation and time modulation. Among the advantages of UWB that helps to prevent multi path propagation. It gives the possibility of the system to establish the time for an impulse to travel from the transmitter to the receiver in the direct path. The other advantage of UWB IR system is the short length of pulses does not allow them to overlap so the multipath fading is not an issue in this case. On the other hand in a system with high pulse rate there can be inter-path interference, it can be eliminated by error correction coding at the receiver. UWB can be combined with multiple antenna technology that doesn’t only allow increase in transmission speed but increases the reliability of the channel, there are a number of solutions that can increase the transmission speed over the regular SISO (single-input single-output); Technologies like multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) allows reaching gigabits per second range of transmission speed.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Religion - Essay Example These religions command people to show kindness to fellow human beings as well as to animals. MORALS, PERFECTION – The followers of the three East Asian religions, Confucianism, Taoism, and Shinto, concentrate mainly on being a perfect human being and upholding moral behavior. Each of these has a humanist philosophy. MONOTHEISM, BOOK – The common features of the religions Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are that both believe in one God and both are religions of the book. The latter means that a book was sent to the people of all these religions through their prophets. Generally speaking, with time people are only becoming lesser and lesser interested in religion. The number of atheists is increasing. People are getting further from religion and there may be several reasons behind this phenomenon. Man is always attracted to shiny, happy and fun aspects of life. Many religions are not all about fun. They are about being kind to the fellow human beings, helping others eve n if you have to go out of your way, and being honest no matter what. Not everyone happily complies with these rules. For instance, many feel that they could be much more successful in life if they don’t follow the humanity rules; they don’t work honestly to earn; they cheat on their customers to see their personal profit; they indulge in illegal work such as smuggling and money laundering. The list is endless. But that is not to say, however, that good people are no longer there today. There still are several good people out there who prefer to be honest over being rich illegally. They treat others nicely and take care of the animals too. They have moral values which they hold on to and uphold. However, one important thing to consider is that we cannot really relate religion to being good or bad. Nowadays there is more to being spiritual than being religious. There are good Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc., and bad too. So we cannot really say that being religious mean s being good. A person may be ritualistically following a religion without really putting any meaning to it. He may have been brought up in such an environment while his perceptions might be different. There are good and bad atheists too around the world. Coming back to the original discussion, after a century religion would still be there but it would have few followers, and even less of the really true followers. Also, from research it has been concluded that the less religious countries are happier and also have lower crime rates. With the progress of science and technology the people have been more depending on it and leaving religion in the air. It is said that science has been debunking several religious claims. If this is how it goes on and if people consider science to be more reliable – what with all the logical and valid reasons laid down – it is inevitable that more and more people would look up to science and consider religion as unimportant. It is vital to note, however, that though science can take us till the moon, going to heaven is another thing all together, and only religion is what will get us there. Even in today’s world we see there are so many religious conflicts all over the world – some places more than the other, but they are there. People have become intolerant of each other; if someone’s views do not match theirs, they are wrong. This is the general perception. Of course, not everyone acts this way but those who do are enough to bring about violence and conflict as we have seen. We have heard about religious institutions being bombed and attacked and we have heard of people being persecuted because of their chosen religion. This is not limited to a single religion; conflicts exist in every religion. Churches as well as mosques are attacked;

Introduction to East Asian Cinema Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Introduction to East Asian Cinema - Essay Example The movie had a well structured thematic direction and representation of Chinese culture that it gained government’s approval. Despite application of modern settings within the film, it possesses some close similarities with ‘Journey to the West’, which was released in February 2013 by Chinese Huayi Brother’s film company. Yoo (2012) says that with respect to the moral story behind Jia’s film, one can develop an understanding that the director strives to create a contrast between two different cultures. In this regard, one can say that Jai’s film, ‘The World’, portrays a theme of clash of civilization witnessed in modern globalized societies. ‘Journey to the West’ resembles ‘The World’ in key elements constituting its thematic structure. The movie features the struggle between Chu, and Huen in an effort to retrieve lost treasures stolen by a western insurgent group. This film employs a traditional Chinese setting in its physical portrayal of scenery background. The film’s director develops a fantasy-action film creating a contrast between western extremists and traditional Chinese fighters. Ciecko (2010) says that unlike Jia’s film, ‘Journey to the West’ incorporates significant use of imagery and classical dialog in enhancing development of an fantasy filled movie, with typical crew members representing traditional Chinese art. On the contrary, Jia adopts local actors to play defined roles in showing interactions between Western world and Chinese cultures. Therefore, there is a pronounced similarity between thematic construction of ‘The World’ and that of ‘Journey to the West’. ... ‘Journey to the West’ entails depiction of Chu demonstrating his martial art skills in elaborately traditional Chinese stages. In this movie, cultural designs remain conspicuous in the attire and infrastructural development of Kung-fu stages used in fights. In addition, Huen demonstrates his exceptional ability to blend tragedy and comedy into the movie. In this context, ‘Journey to the West’ film contains some similarities with one of the East Asian movie watched in class. The movie, ‘The World’, captures most of its key scenes within Beijing’s World Park. This park lies squarely inside China’s mainland. Despite this fact, infrastructure development inside the park seeks to create an environment different from that of actual Chinese environment. The main aim of the unique constructions inside the park is meant to create an environment, where tourists would be able to view representation of the world inside a single tourist attract ion site. Ciecko (2010) says that the park’s entrance bares structures resembling typical Roman castles and Gothic sculptures. In addition, gardens inside the left side of the main entrance depict symbolic Italian landscape in terms of terrain and the grand staircase. Apart from these features at the entrance, the world’s perception in enhanced by presence of typical landmark features located in different nations around the globe. Within the movie, ‘Journey to the West’, one main actor named Xuan Zang seems to develop significant interest in the structural and physical appearances of infrastructure within the extremists warehouse facility. Commander Steward, the leader of the extremist group runs into Xuan admiring the city view from

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

UWB Ad-Hoc Networks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10000 words

UWB Ad-Hoc Networks - Essay Example gnal has a bandwidth that exceeds the lesser of 500 MHz or 20% of the center frequency, there is an authorized unlicensed use of the frequency range starting from 3.1 GHz and up to 10.6GHz, also the emission limit is -41.3 dBm/MHz. This technology uses the Impulse Ratio (IR) method for its transmission; the rate is different for radar and imaging purposes to the communication purposes. The rate of impulses for radar and imaging is in the range of 1 to 100 mega pulses per second. The communication rate can be in a range of 1 to 2 giga pulses per second. This diagram shows how much faster Ultra Wide Band technology is over any existing current technologies also it provides a high level of mobility which is important for a mobile devices it is intended for. The advantage of UWB over traditional radio transmissions is that traditional way would be to modulate the frequency and phase of the signal as well as power, of a sinusoidal wave. However UWB transmits impulse at a specific time, there fore it allows pulse position modulation and time modulation. Among the advantages of UWB that helps to prevent multi path propagation. It gives the possibility of the system to establish the time for an impulse to travel from the transmitter to the receiver in the direct path. The other advantage of UWB IR system is the short length of pulses does not allow them to overlap so the multipath fading is not an issue in this case. On the other hand in a system with high pulse rate there can be inter-path interference, it can be eliminated by error correction coding at the receiver. UWB can be combined with multiple antenna technology that doesn’t only allow increase in transmission speed but increases the reliability of the channel, there are a number of solutions that can increase the transmission speed over the regular SISO (single-input single-output); Technologies like multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) allows reaching gigabits per second range of transmission speed.

Introduction to East Asian Cinema Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Introduction to East Asian Cinema - Essay Example The movie had a well structured thematic direction and representation of Chinese culture that it gained government’s approval. Despite application of modern settings within the film, it possesses some close similarities with ‘Journey to the West’, which was released in February 2013 by Chinese Huayi Brother’s film company. Yoo (2012) says that with respect to the moral story behind Jia’s film, one can develop an understanding that the director strives to create a contrast between two different cultures. In this regard, one can say that Jai’s film, ‘The World’, portrays a theme of clash of civilization witnessed in modern globalized societies. ‘Journey to the West’ resembles ‘The World’ in key elements constituting its thematic structure. The movie features the struggle between Chu, and Huen in an effort to retrieve lost treasures stolen by a western insurgent group. This film employs a traditional Chinese setting in its physical portrayal of scenery background. The film’s director develops a fantasy-action film creating a contrast between western extremists and traditional Chinese fighters. Ciecko (2010) says that unlike Jia’s film, ‘Journey to the West’ incorporates significant use of imagery and classical dialog in enhancing development of an fantasy filled movie, with typical crew members representing traditional Chinese art. On the contrary, Jia adopts local actors to play defined roles in showing interactions between Western world and Chinese cultures. Therefore, there is a pronounced similarity between thematic construction of ‘The World’ and that of ‘Journey to the West’. ... ‘Journey to the West’ entails depiction of Chu demonstrating his martial art skills in elaborately traditional Chinese stages. In this movie, cultural designs remain conspicuous in the attire and infrastructural development of Kung-fu stages used in fights. In addition, Huen demonstrates his exceptional ability to blend tragedy and comedy into the movie. In this context, ‘Journey to the West’ film contains some similarities with one of the East Asian movie watched in class. The movie, ‘The World’, captures most of its key scenes within Beijing’s World Park. This park lies squarely inside China’s mainland. Despite this fact, infrastructure development inside the park seeks to create an environment different from that of actual Chinese environment. The main aim of the unique constructions inside the park is meant to create an environment, where tourists would be able to view representation of the world inside a single tourist attract ion site. Ciecko (2010) says that the park’s entrance bares structures resembling typical Roman castles and Gothic sculptures. In addition, gardens inside the left side of the main entrance depict symbolic Italian landscape in terms of terrain and the grand staircase. Apart from these features at the entrance, the world’s perception in enhanced by presence of typical landmark features located in different nations around the globe. Within the movie, ‘Journey to the West’, one main actor named Xuan Zang seems to develop significant interest in the structural and physical appearances of infrastructure within the extremists warehouse facility. Commander Steward, the leader of the extremist group runs into Xuan admiring the city view from

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Essay about recent hate crimes and statistic Essay Example for Free

Essay about recent hate crimes and statistic Essay Lifeless bodies with slashed throats were found in the mountains of Virginia nearly six years ago. This is quite a disturbing image; the unfortunate result of a hate crime. What exactly is a hate crime? The American Psychological Association defines hate crimes as violent acts against people, property, or organizations because of the group to which they belong or identify with (1). The different groups usually involved include homosexuals, ethnic groups, and religion affiliations. Dr. Jack McDevitt, a criminologist at Northeastern University in Boston, said hate crimes are forms of messages the offender wants to send to members of certain groups letting them know they are unwelcome in that neighborhood, community, school or workplace (APA, 1). According to, Darrell David Rice of Columbia, Maryland, was found guilty of committing the 1996 slayings of hikers Julianne Marie Williams and Laura Lollie Winans, who were the girls in the opening disturbing image. Rice is serving an 11-year sentence in federal prison in Petersburg, Virginia, for attempting to abduct and kill a female bicyclist in the same park in 1997. U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft called the killings of Williams and Winans hate crimes and said Rice could also receive the death penalty, in addition to the present sentence (Frieden, 1). Examples of hate crimes provided by Stephen Wesslers Addressing Hate Crimes: Six Initiatives include (3):  ·the dragging death of African-American James Byrd, Jr., in Jasper, Texas  ·the deadly attack on Matthew Sheppard, a gay student in Laramie, Wyoming  ·the shooting rampage targeting minority citizens in Chicago  ·the shootings of children at a Jewish community center in Los Angeles  ·the murder of Joseph Santos Ileto, a Filipino-American mail carrier A report done by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) states that 7,947 hate crime incidents were reported. In 1995, a comparison of states showed that California was at the top of the charts with 1,751 incidents reported, and Florida stood with 164 incidents (2). The total number of hate crimes only decreased by less than a hundred between 1995 and 1999. While these numbers may seem relatively small, the Southern Poverty Law Center has posted more dramatic statistics: every hour someone commits a hate crime, every day eight blacks, three whites, three gays, three Jews and one Latino become hate crime victims, and every week a cross is burned (1). In order to prevent the hate crimes from occurring, different things are being done in order to prevent and deal with the hate crimes. In schools, the Anti-Defamation League websites suggests planning ahead by doing the following (1): 1.Work with your school administration to establish a plan for responding promptly to hate incidents and hate crimes. 2.Educate school staff on how to recognize hate-motivated incidents and hate crimes. 3.Establish procedures for reporting hate-motivated incidents/crimes. 4.Establish school policies which clearly indicate that hate-motivated behavior will not be tolerated. On a wider scale, since the 1980s research on hate crimes has increased, especially from those in the fields of criminology and law enforcement. There focus is primarily on reporting the frequency of the problem and preparing criminal justice responses to it. While many hate motivated crimes go unreported, the number of reported incidents is up. However, with special training, people are prepared to deal with the situations. According to Wessler, the first professionals to respond to the scene of a hate crime are police officers. How they act in the situation will affect  the outcome of the incident. Wessler stated, law enforcement agencies have a pivotal role in responding to, investigating, prosecuting, and preventing hate crimes. Training is given to the police officers in order to carry out their role. Wessler said the training includes how to recognize and investigate potential hate crimes, have clear protocols on how to respond to hate violence, and develop innovative programs for preventing the hate crimes. Along with the professional training of police personnel, laws against hate crimes have been enforced in some states. As of 1999, there are only eleven states that do not have hate crime laws: South Carolina, Hawaii, Wyoming, New York, Kentucky, Rhode Island, New Mexico, Kansas, Arkansas, Georgia and Indiana. The anti-hate laws may not be well known but there are some out there. For example, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act provides assistance to state and local law enforcement agencies and amend federal law to streamline the investigation and prosecution of hate crimes. This bill will change the already existing law, adding crimes against sexual orientation, gender, and disability. This law also allows authority to respond to all crimes covered by the existing law, meaning crimes based on race, color, national origin, and religion (1). The number of hate crimes is slowly being decreased and the number of laws against hate crimes is slowly being increased, but the truth is, they are still out there. It may seem impossible to eliminate all the hate crimes that are occuring, but with more research, training, and handling each situation as they arise more seriously, America is slowly on its way to eliminating the problem of hate crimes. Works Cited American Psychological Association. 1998. Anti-Defamation League. 1999. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Uniform Crime Reports. 1995. Frieden, Terry. 10 Apr. 2002. National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. NGLTF Communications Department. 25 Sep. 2002. Southern Poverty Law Center. Wessler, Stephen. Addressing Hate Crimes: Six Initiatives That Are Enhancing the Efforts of Criminal Justice Practitioners. Feb. 2000.

Monday, October 14, 2019

An analysis of Danish culture and tradition

An analysis of Danish culture and tradition My great, great grandfather, Paul Christian Lautrup, a single, caucasian man of 35, migrated from Denmark to the United States. He came from a wealthy family originating in the Danish culture and was educated to become an architect. He was expected to continue in the occupation that his nuclear family had persuaded him to train for in order to be kept in the family will. If he were to move away and not pursue the career that had been expected of him, he would be removed from the family will and lose all his inheritance. Against his familys wishes, he chose to leave Denmark to escape their career demands and to pursue his own interest. He moved to the United States in 1880 to follow his dream of becoming an actor. He made Washington DC his home, where he met his wife Delia whom he had 6 sons with. Unfortunately, he did not succeed in becoming an actor and settled for becoming an architect in the US. This is rather ironic, because he ended up moving away from Denmark and losing all his inheritance only to become an architect in another land. (Lautrup, Paul). Denmark is a small nation nestled within the Scandinavian countries located on the European continent. Denmark, also known as the Kingdom of Denmark, has a tiny population of roughly 5.3 million citizens with only a 69km land border that is shared with Germany; this is the only land connection that Denmark has with Europe through its only peninsula and largest region, called Jutland. Also, Denmarks main realm has 5 major islands, which support most of Denmarks population, accompanied by 406 minor islands. Only around 90 of the 406 minor islands of Denmark are known to be inhabited. Also, Greenland and the Faroe Islands are part of the Kingdom of Denmark. (Bendure, Glenda, and Ned Friary) They are both located in the Atlantic Ocean and considered to be autonomous regions within the Kingdom of Denmark; both have very small populations under 100,000 citizens. Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark and is the nations largest city. Copenhagen is also the biggest and most modern city in all of Scandinavia. Scandinavia includes the countries of Sweden, Norway and Denmark. Over 70% of Denmarks population lives in an urban environment, while most of the population consists of people of Danish ethnicity, although there are a growing number of immigrants from Asian and African nations. (Bendure, Glenda, and Ned Friary) The North Sea is to the west of Denmark and the Baltic Sea is to its east. Denmark is separated by its northern, neighboring, Scandinavian nations of Norway and Sweden by the Kattegat and Skagerrak straits. Sweden, the second closest neighbor to the Danes is cut off from Denmark by only 5km of water named the Oresund strait. Denmarks climate is humid and chilly during the winter, with an average temperature of 34 degrees F and during the drier, summer months, the temperature averages 72 degrees F. (Bendure, Glenda, and Ned Friary) Denmark has gently rolling hills with fertile soil that are at a close range to sea level with no true mountains throughout the nation. There are many lakes, rivers, streams and moors, which create an ideal environment for agricultural prospects. There are no extreme changes in climate due to the Gulf Stream that flows up from the south over Denmarks western borders. Since the land is accessible to the sea, it is a prominent supplier to the ship industry is Northern Europe. Denmark has no point on its land that is more than an hours drive from the sea. There are numerous bays and inlets, which creates gainful opportunity for their prosperous shipping industries. (Bendure, Glenda, and Ned Friary) Some especially important Danish landmarks include: The Tivoli Park, the most popular amusement park in Denmark, Fredericksborg Castle, and The Royal Theater. Hans Christian Andersen, known for his fairytales with relatable moral teachings and Karen Blixen, known for short tales and life memoir are among many famous writers of Danish literature. Soccer is Denmarks national sport, but sailing, cycling and rowing are also Danish favorites. The national language is Danish, although, many Danes can speak English and/or German at least on elementary levels. (Bendure, Glenda, and Ned Friary) The Krone is the source of Denmarks monetary exchange and the Euro has not yet been accepted, due to the nations suspicions that switching over to the Euro will have a detrimental effect on their beloved social welfare system, which the citizens of Denmark take great comfort in. Denmark maintains the oldest continual monarchy in Europe and the second oldest in the world. Queen Margrethe II is the current Queen and head of the constitutional monarchy in Denmark. She is only the second queen to rule the monarchy throughout the entire history of Denmark. The Danish community is very proud of their form of government, their royal family and their Dannebrog, which is their national flag. Danes are not a people who are easily insulted, but one way to offend them would be to criticize anything concerning their Dannebrog, royal family or form of government. (Bendure, Glenda, and Ned Friary) The subsistence strategy relied upon most in Denmark today is information. Higher education, the promotion of environmentally green solutions, literature and the fine arts are all very important to the Danish people. (Bendure, Glena, and Ned Friary) Over 77.3% of the jobs held by Danes are part of the information subsistence strategy through service-related jobs. (CIA The World Factbook) Since education is paid for by the heavy taxes the Danish people submit to, it is financially obtainable for anyone with high enough scores to continue their education into any of Denmarks universities. There are 5 universities for the citizens to choose from which include: Copenhagen, Roskilde, Odense, Aaloborg and Arhus Universities. Queene Margrethe II and her son, Crowned Prince Frederik are graduates of the elite Arhus University. Danes also have the option of continuing their education by attending community colleges or vocational technical schools. Some of the occupations that Danes are going to school for include: maritime studies, nursing, physicists, architects, social services, literature, history, religion, photography, teaching or various other information service occupations. (Bendure, Glenda, and Ned Friary) These jobs all rely on technology and tools such as computers, cameras, high-tech printers, internet connections, satellites, sterilized medical equipment, body-image scanners, reference texts, cell phones, writing utensils, specialized uniforms and printers are just a few examples of the many advanced tools that are necessary for these various fields of information subsistence strategies. For example, a teacher would use tools such as a blackboard, a computer projector, chalk, erasers, videos, books and printers in order to relay information to teach her class a particular subject. Of course, these types of tools and technology are used all over the nation in rural and urban areas, but perhaps slightly more in the densely populated regions. Division of labor can be divided up in a number of ways in regards to the information subsistence strategy. For example, a dean of a college may oversee that the college professors are following the guidelines for teaching classes from the code of ethics in their employee handbooks. The professors oversee the progress of skills and information learned by his/her students. The students attempt to maintain good grades in their class by completing all their schoolwork to the best of their ability. Division of labor usually depends on the socioeconomic status and education acquired. However, in Danish society, social caste or social status does not create an obstacle in regards to whom can do what type of career. The citizens have a silent understanding amongst one another that every individual within the nation is important and should not be treated differently whether the citizen is a doctor or a trash man. The opportunity to pursue an information career is equally welcome to men and women; gender does not hinder occupational roles in Danish society. (Bendure, Glenda, and Ned Friary) The second most important subsistence strategy amongst Danish society is industrialism in which some 20.2% of the population is employed. (CIA The World Factbook) Some examples of the products manufactured are ships, boats, ceramics, silverware, furniture, chemicals, paper, fish products, dairy products, canned ham, electronics, textiles, concrete, marine engines, radio and communication equipment, toys, glass, pharmaceuticals, agriculture/forestry machinery, electrical products and diesel engines. Most of the industrial facilities that produce these Danish goods are located in more urbanized areas throughout the country. Many of these products require special skills used by laborers that have been trained at either a vocational school or through a type of apprenticeship training program paid for by the Danish government. Particular tools and equipment are necessary for creating these products that can include: pulleys, compressors, mixers, castes, hammers, nails, scissors, ovens, k ilns, saws, test tubes, Bunsen burners, beakers, glue, electrical wiring, assembling machines, counting machines, computers, charts, slicing equipment, turbines, converters, nets, sails, anchors, food processors, milking machines and generators. (Bendure, Glenda, and Ned Friary) For instance, if a plant is producing paper products, large, metal rollers, would need to be used in order to press the paper into the desired thickness. Also, mixers would be used to stir and prepare the paper pulp in order to pour it into the appropriate screening containers. A specialized machine would be necessary to wrap the finished paper product for distribution and sale. Distribution of labor depends on experience, skill level and seniority of the workers involved in the particular industry. Owners of factories and heads of departments oversee the quality and efficiency of production, which is reported from the supervisors. Supervisors organize, direct and monitor manual labor workers in their duties. Manual labor workers attempt to create products at a company-desired rate and quality, while not bearing the responsibility of their overseeing their co-workers. The third of the most important subsistence strategies used in Denmark consists of agriculture. The main products grown in The Kingdom of Denmark include: sugar beets, barely and wheat, grains, rapeseed, fruits, vegetables and flowers. (Bendure, Glenda, and Ned Friary) Agriculture is most commonly practiced by only 2.5% of the population and is normally achieved in rural areas of the country. (CIA The World Factbook) Training apprenticeship programs and information passed down through family generations are used to teach agricultural methods. (Bendure, Glenda, and Ned Friary) Some technologies used for agriculture include items such as combines, separating machinery, generators, irrigation systems, planting machinery, tractors, plows, fertilizing distributors, storage units and computers for analyzing crop quantity and quality. Irrigation systems are used to water the large expanse of crops, plows are used to till the land for preparation of planting seeds and computers are used to keep record of seasonal harvest yields and perhaps even profit margins. There are over 60,000 family-owned farms in Denmark (Bendure, Glenda, and Ned Friary) and the division of labor is shared by the family and or corporation that own the farms along with the hired employees who are used for cleaning and fixing equipment, sorting crops, running machinery, irrigation and maintaining the health of the crops. The family or corporation of the agricultural operation oversees the employees or hires a supervisor(s) to ensure that the agricultural laborers are working efficiently. The supervisors or owners of a farm may calculate the quantity of crop and the value it yields per season. The agricultural land owners or supervisors also may keep track of the laborers improvement or lack of effort on the job. The farm laborers will tend to any manual labor that the agricultural operation needs completed while only having to be responsible for their individual production. The division of labor in agriculture is based mostly on skill, seniority and ownership. The fourth most important subsistence strategy in Denmark is pastoralism of which is included in the 2.5% of the nations population that maintains a career in agriculture. (CIA The World Factbook) The animal goods raised and produced in the Kingdom of Denmark include: canned ham, butter, cheese, fish oil, fish meal and milk through the use of fish hatcheries and typically family-owned farms. As in the agricultural subsistence strategy, pastoralism is either passed down through families or learned through an apprenticeship training program. (Bendure, Glenda, and Ned Friary) Some tools used for pastoralism include: fences, watering/feeding troughs, barns, herding rods, milking machines, slaughtering equipment, medical tools, labels, hoof clippers, lead ropes, halters, hoses, generators, heaters and computers. Fences are used to keep the livestock confined to a desired location, animals are put in barns to protect them from predators and the occasional harsh outdoor elements and heaters may be used in the barns to keep a sustained temperature that is more suitable for the livestocks health. As in the agricultural subsistence strategy in Denmark, the division of labor amongst workers in pastoralism is based on skill level, seniority and ownership. For example, the owner of a herd of swine may hire a supervisor or herd manager in order to keep track of the manual laborers and also the efficiency of herd quality, health and maintenance. The owner of the swine operation may calculate yearly profits, upkeep costs and decide what to pay employees based on their skill levels. The employees without management skills, the hired hands or basic herd tenders will be responsible only for the safety, feeding and order of their set group of livestock that they are to have authority over. Denmark has a centralized political organization and maintains a constitutional monarchy as a political model. A constitutional monarchy can only be led by offspring of the current king or queen after he or she is deceased. It is a requirement for the king or queen of Denmark to be a member of the national church. A single-chamber parliamentary runs hand-in-hand with the constitutional monarchy. The prime minister, currently known as Lars Lokke Rasmussen, leads Denmarks political organization with the indirect support of all 179 parliament members and direct assistance from the cabinet ministers who lead numerous political departments throughout the nation. Voting age in Denmark is 18 and all parliament members are elected for a term of 4 years, unless state minister forces a new election before the 4 years is completed. It is the duty of the members of parliament to come to consensus on decisions to enact or not enact new legislation and the duty of the prime minister to carry the d ecision to action, however new legislation cannot be enacted fully until Queen Margrethe II writes her finalizing signature on it. There are typically around 12 political parties that make up the single-chamber parliamentary system of the Danes. The top 2 of these major political parties consist of Social Democrats and Liberals-a right-of-centre part. Social Democrats seem to be the most popular considering the fact that they are tied heavily to the belief that all Danish citizens should be granted security by maintaining the comforts of social-welfare programs, but of course, these are safety features only made possible by very high taxes to the Danish people. (Bendure, Glenda, and Ned Friary) The royal constitutional monarchy headed by Queen Margrethe II has control of the executive powers, while legislative powers are for the most part, granted to the parliament and judicial powers are carried out by the courts of Denmark. Denmarks military branches include: a home guard, an air force, a navy and a national rescue corps. Military members are usually enlisted for 4 months to a year of service. During war times, the Danish military acquires 58,000 members, but during peace times, there are roughly fifteen thousand participating members. The Danish military ranks are usually based on mandatory enrollment in order to be ready when an emergency arises. Denmarks police force has about 10,000 law enforcement officers who are known for their more civilized, calmer approaches to domestic disputes by using advanced communication skills and maintaining close, positive relationships with the overall communities they work in. (HOG, ERLING, and HELLE JOHANNESSEN) One form of internal political control in Denmark is the enforcement of laws through the judiciary court systems. Although, crime in Denmark is very low and it is not normal for a Dane to even consider breaking the basic laws of the land. An example of externalized political control would be the decision of the Danish Parliament to not accept the Euro as Denmarks new currency, even though Denmark is a member of the European Union. Internalized political responsibilities of Denmarks parliament involve the maintenance of social welfare programs that protect all Danish citizens regardless of socioeconomic status. The externalized responsibility of the parliament consists of maintaining peaceful political connections with the European Union and other nations in regards to preserving a secure way of life for its citizens and also keeping a cohesive relationship with national allies for added protection. After all, Denmark is a very small nation and it would be beneficial to preserve as mu ch peace with as many nations as possible. (Bendure, Glena, and Ned Friary) The economic system of Denmark is based on negative reciprocity due to the use of capitalism throughout the nation. Capitalism is used by the Danes to generate profit through sales of products from private businesses and corporations to customers. Redistribution is also used throughout the Danish culture in the form of health care and educational needs. Danish pay high taxes that allow them to enjoy the freedoms of free health care and education of any type. This allows the Danish citizens to give and take as they need, for example, all citizens are taxed regardless of how much income they generate, but it is possible that not all of them will use the free education opportunities or the free health care services during their lifetimes. (Bendure, Glenda, and Ned Friary) Market exchange is also used through capitalism in Denmark in regards to having the freedom to set up a private business and gain profit from it without limit, which is a prime example of capitalistic market exchange. Denmark uses both socialism and capitalism, but the predominant economic system would have to be capitalism. This is true, because Danes are free to pursue their own interests through careers that will allow them to generate profit without limit to the individual. Although, socialism is prevalent in the way Denmark controls and maintains social welfare for the citizens in order to provide free and easily accessible, equal-quality health care and education to all Danish citizens regardless of social or economic status, gender, religion or ethnicity. (Bendure, Glenda, and Ned Friary) The primary economic sector, which involves extraction of resources form the land, also known as mainly agriculture in Denmark, makes up 2.5% Danish employment. (CIA The World Factbook) A few of Denmarks exports consist of canned ham, butter, cheeses, beer and processed fish products of which are brought forth through agriculture, pastoralism and industry. (Bendure, Glenda, and Ned Friary) The nations secondary economic sector, which involves processing of goods, also known as industry makes up 20.2% of the Danish workforce. (CIA The World Factbook) Denmark manufactures machinery, chemicals, furniture, electronics of which are exported all over the world. (Bendure, Glenda, and Ned Friary) The tertiary economic sector, which involves services, makes up 77.3% of the working Danish population. (CIA The World Factbook) A few of Denmarks popular service industry jobs are found in the fields of architecture, nursing, teaching, physics, environmental science, literature and social sciences. Denmark enjoys the highest Gross Domestic Product in Europe and maintains one of the highest standards of living for its citizens compared to all nations in the world. Unemployment is very low and over half the country is employed with the reassurance that health care and education will not be a challenge to pay for. Denmark relies heavily on the income from its exports and puts a great deal of value on maintaining its social welfare programs. (Bendure, Glenda, and Ned Friary) Denmarks most common religious organization is Evangelical Lutheran, of which over 90% of Danish citizens belong to. Evangelical Lutheran is a denomination that is part of a national church, supported by the state called the Danish Peoples Church. Only about 5% of Danish people actually attend church weekly; most Danes only participate in church services during important religious holidays such as Christmas or Easter. Evangelical Lutheranism is a monotheistic religion, which means that they worship only one god. (Bendure, Glenda, and Ned Friary) Other religious organizations that exist in Denmark consist of Catholicism, Judaism and Islam, which also practice monotheism. Also, a small percentage practice forms of religious organizations such as Buddhism, Sikhism and Hinduism, which promote polytheism, the worship of many gods. It is ironic that the overall Danish society does not have a strong faith in the god or gods of their religious choice, yet at birth most of the country is automatically enrolled as a member of the national church, also known as the Danish Peoples Church. Their enrollment is expected unless they belong to a religion other than Evangelical Lutheran. It is a requirement that the current king or queen of Denmark be a member of the Evangelical Lutheran religious organization. (HOG, ERLING, and HELLE JOHANNESSEN) Danish churches are typically located in close proximity to all Danish towns and are encompassed by graveyards. Evangelical Lutheran religious organizations have sermons and worship in churches on Sundays. Their ceremonies include a minister, a servant, an organist and a cantor. Evangelical Lutheran important ritualistic ceremonies include: weddings, confirmations, funerals and baptisms. It is expected that most Danish churches have fairly low attendance rates during Sunday services. (HOG, ERLING, and HELLE JOHANNESSEN) Throughout the Danish social organization, monogamy, the practice of marriage to single spouse, is the most accepted and nationally predominant form of union. Marriage is important in regards to the most common form of religion in Denmark, Evangelical Lutheranism, yet because Danes are not known for being highly involved in the practices of their religious organizations, there is a loose view on marriage and when it should be chosen, if at all. It is common for a Dane to cohabitate for years, have offspring and not be married until many years after. Therefore, it is not uncommon for Danish households to have illegitimate children born outside of wedlock. (Bendure, Glenda, and Ned Friary) If Danes do decide to marry, it is usually not until they are in their very late twenties or early thirties. Danes do not participate in arranged marriages, an event where parents choose a marriage partner for offspring, instead, single Danes choose their own marriage partners through the anthropological term love match. Endogamy, marriage created within ones own organized cultural group, is practiced in Denmark as well as exogamy, marriage outside ones own organized cultural group. Most often, Danes marry other Danes of their own ethnicity, yet those who choose to marry outside of Denmark or ones ethnicity is not condemned within the Danish societal organization. (Bendure, Glenda, and Ned Friary) Post-marital residence, pertaining to where a bride and groom reside after their marriage ceremony, only pertains to the Danish societal organization in the sense that marriage partners typically practice neolocal forms. A neolocal form of post-marital residence can be defined as the event of taking residence in a home that is set apart from the married couples families. Other forms of post-marital residence, such as patrilocal, the act of a married couple living close to or with the married males family of his father, or matrilocal, the practice of both marriage partners residing with or in close proximity to the married females family of her mother, are not commonly practiced. Marriage in modern Denmark societal organization, is not required, nor is it a high priority. (HOG, ERLING, and HELLE JOHANNESSEN) Therefore, post-marital residence is not of great importance, It is only on a neolocal sense, considering that Danes learn to be very independent at a very early age, while maintaining a close-knit family on an emotional level. The most important family type for Danes is the nuclear families containing dependent children, a wife and a husband. Even though the idea of marriage in the Danish societal organization is very loose and laid-back, out of all couples living together in Denmark, most of them are in fact married. Extended family, consisting of aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents and other individuals with marriage or blood relating them, are also important, but not as high a priority as the nuclear family. Most Danish nuclear families are small, having two or less dependant offspring. Privacy is valued greatly by Danes, especially when it comes to the nuclear familys home. It is rare for a Danish family to invite a guest to their home whom they have not known for a great while . (Bendure, Glenda, and Ned Friary) Each of the nuclear family members generally has their own private room in the home along with the rooms for meeting, such as the kitchen and larger family rooms. In Denmarks societal organization, descent is traced by using a lineage, which is used by connecting all ancestors back to a single, original ancestor. Descent in Denmark is traced in this way, because last names are important links to ancestry. Although last names are taken from the male within a married couple, patrilineal descent, tracing only by acknowledging male individuals as ancestors, is not used, because all genders are included when tracing Danish ancestry. (Bendure, Glenda, and Ned Friary) When referring to kin, relatives connected by marriage or blood, Danish citizens value ties with both the mothers and the fathers side of the family, which is called bilateral kinship. Bilateral kinship is important for Danes, because both nuclear and extended family, regardless of mother or fathers side, builds a cohesive unit of strength emotionally, sometimes financially and offers support that is not commonly expected outside of family ties. National polls and summaries do not generally include information in regards to socio-economic classes, instead Denmarks citizens are divided up into 5 social layers. These social layers consist of subcategories within each layer. (HOG, ERLING, and HELLE JOHANNESSEN) The first social layer consists of corporate owners, employees of the educational system and anyone that has over 50 workers. The second social layer involves academically professional owners of businesses, agricultural owners with at least 4 employees and corporate owners that have over 6 workers. The third social layer includes small business owners, individuals with employment that calls for special skills and agricultural owners with a limit of 3 workers. The fourth social layer is made up of employees containing academic training, owners of small plots of land and experienced employees. The fifth social layer consists of employees with no special skills or experience. (HOG, ERLING, and HELLE JOHANNESSEN) Denmark, as a social organization, is very tolerant of other peoples ways of perceiving life and is considered to be outgoing and well-educated. Danes are very accepting of homosexual marriage and equality of the sexes. Denmark was the first European nation to allow for legal gay marriages within its borders offering homosexuals the majority of rights granted to straight married couples. Danes are very conscientious when it comes to preserving a clean, toxic-free environment. (Bendure, Glenda, and Ned Friary) A recent news article summarizes a protest put on by Greenpeace activists at the Environment Ministry in Denmark. This article was used for this research paper, because Danes are very involved in environmental policies in regards to keeping the planet as clean and sustainable as possible. The article was personally interesting, because Denmark is one of the most environmentally conscious nations on the planet and I was curious to see how they react to the disposing of harmful waste products. The Greenpeace activists were protesting the transport of a poisonous pollutant called HCB from an Australian company named Orica. The Kommunekemi in Nyborg, Denmark is one of a small number of companies in the world that is able to incinerate the hazardous carcinogen, HCB. The Greenpeace activists argued that hazardous waste materials should be incinerated closer to the point to which they are processed. This is just one of many examples of the Danish cultures desire for a cleaner and greener pl anet. (Greenpeace Goes Aloft to Protest Transport from Down Under) Danes are also known to love their most famous amusement park, Tivoli. This amusement park is located in Copenhagen and is the most popular attraction in Denmark. The park was built in 1914 and maintains a dà ©cor and cuisine that is based on the historical, traditional Danish culture of the time the park first opened. Some Danes pay the parks entry cost just to eat at a few of the thirty-seven restaurants within the park. The park has roller coasters, games, gardens and various amusements and entertainment. (Copenhagen, Denmark) Danish people are in love with the concept of social gatherings combined with eating and the two almost always go hand-in-hand. It is customary for a Danish household to always have tea, chocolates, pastries and cheese just in case guests arrive unexpectedly. Their meals often consist of three or more courses and it is considered a crime to oneself to not savor and take time to enjoy ones meal. Danes love rich, whole foods of which often include broiled or marinated fish, thick and creamy cheeses, hearty breads, substantial gravies and delectable deserts. Hot tea is often served with milk and honey and it is customary to leave the last bit of food in a main communal dish when eating. This is a symbolic action of politeness to show that nobody is selfish or rushed during the meal. The Danish culture is known for being one of the happiest cultures on earth. They are generally friendly, warm and open to communication with strangers. Recently, Denmark has incorporated many American concepts, products, stores and fast-food conveniences into their societal organization. Unfortunately, they are also gaining a few of the health problems that are associated with the introduction of American culture into their nation. However, despite the Danes cultural borrowing, they still have a strong sense of uniqueness through a proud society that shows compassion for its citizens and welcomes visitors. (Waldron, Julie)