Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Four African Americans Artist - 1053 Words

Enslaved as well as free African Americans pursued opportunities to create poetry, paintings, sculpture, and other forms of artistic self-expression. Many, of course, had to create their opportunities to create. In my paper I will compare and contrast a few artist lives and works of art. The four African Americans artist I will talk about are Robert S. Duncanson, Edward M. Bannister, Mary Edmonia Lewis, and Henry Ossawa Tanner —three free-born and one a freed slave. The tensions between an art that referred to people’s social conditions and an art that transcended race and class politics are represented by the works of two artists active during the 1860s and 1870s: sculptor Mary Edmonia Lewis and landscape painter Robert S. Duncanson. Mary Edmonia Lewis’s father was a free African-American and her mother a Chippewa Indian. She was an exhibitor at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia in 1876 and was the first African American and Native American woman in the United Sates to gain widespread recognition as an artist and also the first African American and Native American in the United States to gain an international reputation as a sculptor. Lewis studied art at Oberlin College, independently in Boston, Massachusetts, and among American and British expatriates in Italy. She used the artistic conventions of neoclassicism to create powerful marble statuary on the subjects of black American emancipation, female oppression, and Native Americans. Lewis’s work isShow MoreRelatedDark Artillery : New Contrabands, No Change1747 Words   |  7 PagesDark Artillery: New Contrabands, No Change During the 1860s, African American slaves saw a glimmer of hope in the term â€Å"contraband†, which applied to runaway slaves who joined the Union lines in 1861. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Social Inequality Inequality And Inequality - 3119 Words

Core Assessment Paper Carrie Bailey Park University Social Inequality in My Life Social inequality is described by the presence of unequal opportunities and rewards for various social positions or statuses inside a society or group. It contains organized and repetitive examples of unequal distributions of goods, riches, opportunities, prizes, and disciplines. Racism, for instance, is comprehended to be a wonder whereby access to rights and resources is unreasonably disseminated crosswise over racial lines. With regards to the U.S., minorities ordinarily encounter racism, which benefits white individuals by presenting them with white privilege, which permits them more noteworthy access to rights and resources than†¦show more content†¦As a child, I grew up with three siblings and a single mother, in public housing. On welfare and food stamps, our household income was below the poverty line. My father was absent and had never finished high school and my mother had a high school diploma, however, she never attended college. Alth ough, I look Caucasian, my mother was of Mexican and Native American descent. Because I was raised by a single mother who was raised in the Mexican culture, I was also raised in the same way. In our home, what we lacked in finances, we made up for in love and affection. Multi-racial children often find it hard to â€Å"fit in† when they don’t really fit into the culture of one ethnicity over the other. Past studies had expected that if an individual had a multiracial heritage that he or she naturally identified with that heritage. However, Binning and his fellow researchers theorized that basically having a place with different racial groups did not ensure that a man would psychologically relate to those groups. We imagined that diving further into the multiracial classification to inspect how such people translated their racial character would help our comprehension of multiracial psychology, said Binning, a post-doctoral researcher at Stanford GSB and coauthor of The Interpretation of Multiracial Status and Its Relation to SocialShow MoreRelatedSocial Inequalities By Jonathan Kozal Essay1570 Words   |  7 Pagessimultaneously believe that schools are places where social inequalities should be equalized, where the advantages or disadvantages that children experience in their homes and families should not determine what happens to them in school-in essence, that school is a place where children should have equal chances to make the most of their potential.† (Inequality) The 1991 article Savage Inequalities written by Jonathan Kozal highlights the fact that every person is entitled to the right to receiveRead MoreEssay on Social Inequality Between Men and Women1102 Words   |  5 PagesThere are many forms of social inequality that can be analyzed in the study of anthropology. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Concept of Visit-Ability in terms of Disabled Building Access Free Essays

Access for handicapped people to public infinites and installations has become an of import portion of the political and societal docket. The belief of the societal theoretical account of handicapped and elderly people have become the ideological hegemony of disablement policy devising and inclusive design practise in the 21stcentury in the Earth. Many professionals, public author, civil society administration and governmental bureaus are promoting different designs strategies for accessible edifice to all. We will write a custom essay sample on The Concept of Visit-Ability in terms of Disabled Building Access or any similar topic only for you Order Now The concrete awareness of what handicapped people faces in an incompatible built environment. Senior citizens, sooner will love to go on populating independently in their ain places as they age. However, excessively frequently, structural barriers of public infinites prevent those who acquires a physical damage from aging in a topographic point.The extended spread of unavailability in each state ‘s lodging stocks makes it hard for persons with disablements of all ages to see friends and relations ( lynott, 2008 ) . Each states are characterised by a design apartheid. The edifice form and design are engraved with the values of an able-bodies society. Therefore, from stairss into stores to absence of initiation cringles in public and civic edifice. The handicapped people have to personally confront the reinforced environment, which were ne’er designed to provide for a scope of bodily difference. This has form the nucleus value and the perceptual experience of some societal disablement critics to see the built environment as â€Å"disablist, that is projecting able- bodied † values which legitimise oppressive, bias and prejudiced practises against people strictly on the footing that they have physical or mental damage. Disability and ripening is a cardinal issues. In the following two decennaries, 1000000s of the public of the Earth will hold attain older age. Each states will be confronted with hard challenges in the reinforced environment including deficiency of sustainable, marketable, accessible and low-cost lodging ( Maisel, 2007 ) . Despite the fact that lodging, community and inclusive design affects everyone, the connectivity between people and the built environment has an of import impact on the handicapped people and the ageing public. Maisel stated that an inclusive lodging design or sole lodging design can either, mortify or ease the ability of the people to populate and age comfortably without any assistive mechanism. The most relentless job to handicapped persons, is substructures being unaccessible, including old public constructions and lodging. The most appealing and hereafter utile solution is acceptance of the construct of visit-ability and an inclusive and cosmopolitan design attack. A visit-able infinite or substructure has at least a wheelchair accessible entrywaies and land floor room accesss and corridors broad plenty for person in a wheelchair to go through through. A few metropoliss in the U.S. have adopted Torahs necessitating a certain sum of visit-able place building ( ADA 1990 ; Duarte A ; Cohen 2007 ) . As the recent demographic displacement set out to increase the present deficiency of accessible substructures and an inclusive design, a turning subdivision of the public will confront challenges in handiness and serviceability of their habitation. Visit-ability, inclusive and cosmopolitan design, did non merely be given toward demand for more accessible lodging but, it besides makes out, that this demand broaden beyond multifamily lodging market ( Maisel, 2007 ) . Inclusive and cosmopolitan design attack reduces environmental barriers ( unaccessible to public edifice and conveyance system ) and besides saves cost for redevelopment in instances of future mobility damage. Maisel argues that when visit-ability is in topographic point, occupants in the community can welcome invitees who use wheelchairs or Walkers ( walking frames ) , or have some other mobility damage such as stiffness, failing or hapless balance. On future projections graduated table, visit-able, inclusive and universally designed places heighten sale and re-sale in an epoch where both the figure and the per centum of older people are turning quickly. Non-disabled purchasers are attracted to well-designed places that is inclusively designed to welcome their ripening, handicapped households and friends and supply easy-use convenience for themselves. Furthermore from a human psychological science ( emphasis ) position, all occupants find it easier to convey in babe saunterers, food market carts, or heavy furniture and in clip of impermanent disablements, i.e. broken leg or arm, surgery, etc. , can necessitate usage of an assistive wheelchair or other mobility device during the recovery/recuperating period. This can organize important incommodiousness in most bing habitation with unequal basic handiness characteristics. ( Seekins, 2006 ) . Gaining the additions and turning demand for more accessible lodging, many province and local legal powers of the developed states have joined visit-ability motion and advocated for an inclusive and cosmopolitan inclined designs. In fact, several municipalities and provinces across these states have already formalized and enacted visit-ability plans. With their common end of increasing the supply of accessible lodging, this visit-ability plan is being altered significantly. The three simple ways they tend to be different are the geographic countries they extend to, the range of characteristic they are being made up and the systematic programs by which they are implemented and enforced. For case, including extra architectural elements such as barricading for grab bars in bathroom walls and accessible environmental controls. Some visit-ability enterprises are mandatory, whereby builders and the home grounds are required by a edict or act to include visit-able characteristic during new building. Other plans are strictly voluntary or possibly ( Nasar A ; Cowley, 2007 ) . Visit-able lodging is a cosmopolitan and inclusive design lodging construct that is developing quickly across North America and around the universe at big. One of the distinguishable about visit-able houses are such that, at same clip, it allows the place to be visited by friends and relations who are aging or hold disablements but besides allows these same people, a lodging pick to buy or go on to populate in as their demands alteration. ( Ringaert, 2007 ) . History of Visit-ability The construct of visit-ability originated in Europe but was initiated in the United State of America in 1986 by Eleanor Smith, a disablement right advocator. Visit-ability is a sustainable, low-cost, marketable, security and accessible design attack that moves towards individual household places, the highest desire is to acquire all new places non covered by the present entree ordinances â€Å"accessible enough† for a visitant with disablement. Therefore visit -able places tends to suit anyone and to supply entree to everyone, irrespective of some limitations to bing Torahs of disablement ( Smith, 1986 ) . New moves to unify handiness in a individual household lodging and public infinite is lifting and going important in the 21stcentury discourse on the demand for handiness for all. The Founder of this grassroots platform Eleanor Smith recalls, â€Å"That one twenty-four hours in 1986 while she was driving in her auto around her place metropolis in Atlanta US, she passed through many new lodging development and she observed that, those places had stairss at the entrywaies and all of a sudden, she looks at the place otherwise and thought that those houses could hold all had access.† ( NIDRR, 1999 ) . Concrete alteration promote the construct of visit-ability and work with the metropolis of Atlanta to go through the first visit-ability jurisprudence which makes it compulsory that all public lodging be accessible. Visit-ability became more see able throughout the 1990’s, as the construct was lodging fast. In 2001 and 2002, visit-ability came to the head as many other states has adopted it The Need and Evolution of Visit-ability Public infinite and handiness related issues are non limited to merely a few people, it adversely has an impact on a big figure of people, even the developed states like Canada, United States, United Kingdom etc. , who have mobility damage and hence go through barriers within their ain houses and public infinites. This public made up out of, but is non restricted to people who use assistive device. The information of statistical analysis from the handicapped Centre reveals that about 6.8millions of Americans occupants and about 8.7million of United Kingdom population make usage of the assistive devices to help their mobility ( DDA 1995 ; Laplante et Al. 2000 ) .Further surveies indicates that there will be an addition in the usage of mobility devices with the rapid rate of the aging public. ( Laplante et al. , 1992 ) . In common with the huge bulk of low-income states, non least in African, disabled and elderly people in Nigeria encounter a overplus of attitudinal ( deficiency of disablements issues by the general populace, etc. ) , institutional ( deficiency of entree to computing machine, cyberspace, information etc. ) and environmental barriers ( unaccessible to public edifice and conveyance system ) that impede and militate against their active societal inclusion within modern-day society. Many advocate groups and research workers sees visit-ability as a anchor towards carry throughing cosmopolitan design on a neighbourhood degree and a larger graduated table. In recognizing the deserving full intent of visit-ability in developing active communities and public infinites, Truesdale and Steinfeld ( 2002 ) argued, â€Å"Although less than the ideal of a universally designed place, visit-ability is truly cosmopolitan design engaged through inclusive design, community and vicinity planning. It guar antees that the basic degree of handiness will be put up in all the lodging and public infinite design, and it exposes chances for engagement in community life† . This instance analyze compliment resources for planing communities to accommodate societal diverseness and render just chances for all the occupants, or inclusive design. It centred on design of lodging to give handiness to people with disablements and aging in topographic point, while besides doing greater the comfortss and safety for all the occupants. This experience aims at doing alterations in the design practises. This is the cardinal aim of the inclusive design thought to grok that design for diverseness benefit all of us and our perceptual experience is been metamorphosed on differences as something about â€Å"them† ( Steinfield A ; White, 2010 ) . Harmonizing to the late Bernard Isaac ( 1996, as cited in Clarkson et al. , 2003 ) he said â€Å"design for the immature and you exclude the old, design for the old and you include the young† .Presently, one billion people of the Earth have a noticeable grade of functional damage across Europe, and in other states, where the procedure is good advanced, big Numberss of the public have retired and embarking on new career and have quest to do full their longer life. This inclination will impact strongly on the markets and have across-the-board design deduction. ( Clarkson et al. , 2003 ) . When we look closely at mundane merchandise, we can rapidly detect where people may hold troubles utilizing them. Many of these troubles are as a consequence of design determinations made without respect to the user, as such this grounds are frequently superficial but fortunately, the replies may frequently be superficial excessively. For case if the flexible joints of a door grip is excessively little to open the door handily, it can be replace with a larger 1. However, physical composing of the public is altering fundamentally and basically. It is non adequate to look at those acquiring older, no affair how sound, tantrum and healthy we may suit or non experience at this point in clip, as clip goes on in our beloved life we will certainly travel through a lessening in our active and operational capableness. Our ability to take part activity in some action will be impaired e.g. through inadvertent injury or the natural ripening procedure, after achieving the age of mid-twentiess our organic structure of course begins to have on out ( Kirwood, 1999 ) .Our ability to larn, see, travel around freely diminishes ( Keates A ; Clarkson, 2003 ) .Inclusive design is borne out of and physiques on an earlier attacks to plan for chiefly disabled and aged people with focal point on entree to the built environment. ( Coleman et al. , 2007 ) . The demand of visit-ability The demand of the construct of visit-ability is turning quickly on a planetary graduated table. Each state is endeavoring to implement the rudimentss, in order to do lodging and public infinites accessible to all, without any signifier of favoritism. Harmonizing to Rocky Marcoux, the commissioner for the section of metropolis development, metropolis of Milwaukee, W1 â€Å"when people have to go forth the vicinity because their house no longer meets their demand, its unneeded. It is a forced migration in a sense† . The laminitis of concrete alteration, Eleanor Smith in one of her aberrant bases on the necessity for lodging being accessible to all stated flatly and decidedly that â€Å"when we build houses, the houses are non meant to be habited by inanimate things but by homo who are likely be at that place for hundred old ages, more besides these things hurt cipher and they help a batch of people.† As population of the Earth additions and a high proportion of the public ages. There will certainly be an increase in demand, each state closes her rank and file in seeing to the turning demand and need for accomplishing inclusive lodging and community design through the acceptance of the construct of visit-ability. The demand of a visit able houses is lifting and a batch of states are traveling toward this way, in seeing to implementing bing handiness Torahs and implementing the execution of the Torahs. Though, as most of developed states strives to do up an environment that, is accessible to all without any signifier of prejudice. Some still lacks behind, United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, Sweden, France, Norway are all in the frontline of this run but Norway is in front of other states of the Earth on the execution of accessible and inclusive design down to the community degree ( Bringa 2001 ; Smith et al. , 2007 ) . Regulation and Principle of Visit-ability Harmonizing to Walton d. Dutcher Jr. the Visit-ability Ordinance is a sensible thrust to necessitate minimal entree to places built with fiscal aid provided by the City. However, an embracing social position would be that anything less than an inclusive lodging and an accessible environment is, by default, discriminatory and biased. The visit-ability regulation requires all new places to be built with at least one entryway with no measure, and doors at least 32 inches broad. It besides requires, lever door grips, reinforced walls in ground-floor bathrooms so as to do it easier for an resident to put in grab bars, and the switches should non be any higher than 48 inches, and the Hallways should be 36 inches broad throughout the full chief floor. A visit-able house is non compulsory designated to hold the entire grade of handiness required by a awful disablement individual, it intentions is to make a place for anyone and to render basic entree features for all. The three fundamental rules of the construct of visit-ability are some cardinal characteristics of entree for all. New lodging units can be achieved at low cost, if implement at the earlier phase of building and good design are practised. Access and liveability for all is a civil right and a platform to better qualities of life and a limited figure of important characteristics will turn the magnitude of handiness comparable to a more across-the-board list of features. ( Maisel, 2006 ) . Challenges and Success of Visit-ability There are certain bing and recognised challenges to implementing visit-ability. From the place builders point of position, they have some frights and expostulations to the construct and rule of visit-ability, while some see it that it should be a voluntary action, others feels that it must be compulsory. ( National Association of Home Builders ( NAHB ) , 2003 ) . NAHB ( 2003 ) argues that the end-users ( place purchasers ) should be at autonomy to prefer the type of houses they want, non to be limited or constrained to accept characteristics they do non desire or necessitate now. Critics query the legality of regulations, cost of the plan and the practicableness of execution. The house builder ground that beside, the menace of the misdemeanor on place owners’ rights, accomplishing inclusive lodging and community design is excessively expensive and more besides negate architectural aesthetic qualities of a house ( Lawlor 2004 ; Myzek 1998 ) . Second, from the advocates’ positions, which antagonises the builders’ statement, that place builder non frequently request visit-ability and alteration should be reliable wholly on a free market system. They contend that most of place purchaser are non aware of the visit-ability motion and do non cognize that they could inquire for the basic visit-ability characteristics when constructing a new house. The advocators believes that the builders try to accommodate and fulfill themselves entirely by trying to determine the market to their ain belief and instead than merely reacting to the turning demands and demands of the market. ( State Building News, 2006 ) . The possible obstructions to the credence of new visit-ability plan are heighten by the deficiency of visit-able houses being built in communities that have long adopted the universal and inclusive design attacks. Several broad and specific policy issues embracing the construct of visit-ability must be harmonised to guarantee future success of accomplishing inclusive lodging and community design scheme. With consideration to these challenges, the visit-ability motion continues to come on, some of the indicant are the emerging measures, Torahs, federal, provinces Acts of the Apostless, public and bookmans outcry. As more people are being confronted with barriers in serviceability and handiness of their places, visit-ability references their demands and demands. Significance of Visit-ability These study works is to advance and construct on an inclusive design and community action undertakings that enhances the integrating of visit ­- ability lodging system. It is the believe that the development and acceptance of the construct of visit-ability toward inclusive lodging and community design is polar for everyone and more particularly, as it is in line with the aims of cosmopolitan design. One of the calculation and dramatic forces of construct of visit-ability toward accomplishing accessible lodging is that, it flexible, gives chances for the public to entree their friends, household members and neighbors and thereby, doing it useable and livable for all. Modern schemes for incorporating handiness characteristic are lifting. One of such is the compatibility and workability of the construct of visit-ability, inclusive and cosmopolitan design attack. The inclusion of basic entree at the start of building, reduces waste of resources, clip and energy dissipated, which could be needed for remodelling and house resettlement. Thus makes inventing vicinities designs inclusive, sustainable, marketable and low-cost. The mark of visit-ability differs from both entire handiness and cosmopolitan design but what is paramount is that on a short term agencies. Visit-ability is applicable and cheaper because the basic characteristic of visit-ability are integrated at the early phase of building. The purposes of visit-ability is great, it promotes the ability to age in one’s personal house, besides person has the ability to see 1s neighbour and presume an built-in portion of the community. Physical disablement issues, as more of civil and human right concerns, there are some bing and sensed obstructions to follow through visit-ability. As such it will be impossible for all the turning public to hold a positive attitude about their ability to remain on in their several places, as they ages, except if some of the bing barriers, Torahs and provinces limitations are looked into by the jurisprudence shapers. How to cite The Concept of Visit-Ability in terms of Disabled Building Access, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Assignment On Commercial Law (IRAC Method) - Click to Get Sample Solut

Question - Use the IRAC (Issue, Rule, Application Conclusion) method to answer below given question? Mark, Peter and Mary were out on a Saturday night celebrating the successful formation of a new business venture. They went to a special restaurant up in the hills, Hilltop Point, to mark this occasion. After a great night of eating and drinking, they decided to continue their party at Watchout Point, a scenic hilltop spot with a spectacular view of the city. On their way, they stopped at a bottle shop to buy 2 bottles of premium French champagne. Does The Intricacy of The Topic Intimidate You? Tame Your Fear with Unmatched Assignment Help Services from Professional Writers. When they reached Watchout Point, they parked the car at the car park which was located at the top of the cliff. There was a 2 meter fence to prevent people from going beyond that point as it was not far away from the cliff edge. There were no warning signs but the cliff was very visible. Anyone can very clearly see the cliffs. In fact, the cliff was part of this beautiful scenery which attracted visitors. At first, the trio sat in the car and chatted and drank champagne. As the night progressed Peter, who had too much to drink, got out of the car and dared the others to climb over the fence and walk to the edge of the cliff. While the others were reluctant, Peter climbed over the fence and walked to the edge of the cliff. He lost his balance and fell off the cliff and broke his leg. Peter wishes to sue the Willow Council who is responsible for Watchout Point. What must Peter do to establish a breach of duty by Willow Council? Is Peter likely to succeed in establishing such a breach? Give reasons for your answer. The champagne bottle that the trio purchased had a very special kind of cap. Instead of the usual cork held in place by wire, it had a metal cap and a cork stopper. Mark opened the cap and tried to pour the champagne into a glass. When nothing came out he shook the bottle a little. The cork stopper suddenly ejected and hit Marks nose. He sustained a blood nose and was in pain for 3 weeks. There wasnt any warning anywhere in the bottle about this kind of cap. This sort of cap is very common in France and used by most French wineries. Mark wishes to sue the wine company. Will he succeed? What must he establish? Answer - There are two issues in the present case which need to be decided. The first issue is if the Willow Council can be held liable for the injuries suffered by Peter. Peter has broken his leg when he fell off from the cliff from the Watch out Point when he was celebrating the success of their business ventures with Mark and Mary. Therefore the question arises if it can be established that Willow Council is liable under the law of negligence for the injuries suffered by Peter. For this purpose, it needs to be seen if Willow Council had taken all reasonable steps due to which the people may be prevented from falling off from that point. Briefly speaking, the issue is related with the duty of care and if Willow Council owes such a duty towards Peter. There is another issue in the present case that is related with champagne manufacturers liability towards Mark. Mark was hit by the cork stopper of the bottle and his nose started to bleed when Mark was opening the bottle. In this case, the bot tle had an unusual cap and no warning was present on the bottle to warn the persons opening the bottle. Rule: in order to decide the liability of Willow Council towards Peter, first of all, it has to be seen if the council owes a duty of care towards Peter and at the same time, it also needs to be established that such duty has been breached by the Council (Greatlakes Shire Council v. Dederer, 2006). In this regard, the law also requires that the injuries suffered by the claimant should be directly caused by the breach of duty and in this way, the injuries can be said to be a reasonable result of the acts of the defendant. Usually in such cases, the parties take recourse to the duty of care for claiming compensation (Wyong Shire Council V. Shirt, 1980). The doctrine related with the duty of care provides that a party can be liable towards the other party in some cases under the law of negligence. The leading case in this regard is that of Donoghue v Stevenson (1932) where Lord Atkins discussed the neighborhood principle. In this regard, Lord Atkins mentioned in this case that a party h as to take reasonable care to avoid the acts or omissions that may cause an injury to the neighbor of such party. The court tries to see in this type of cases if the parties were in a reasonably approximate relationship. At the same time, the court also sees if the loss of the damage suffered by the claimant was caused by the act or omission of the other party and such loss or damage was reasonably foreseeable. Another requirement in this regard is that the risks should be of such a nature that under similar circumstances, such a risk could have been reasonably foreseen by any other reasonable person (Greatlakes Shire Council v. Dederer, 2006). Another requirement for establishing the duty of care is to see if it would be reasonable under the circumstances that a duty of care is imposed by the court on the defendant in a given case. The concept of duty of care was discussed by the court in Blyth v Birmingham Waterworks Co. (1856) where it was mentioned that the negligence of the defendant needs to be decided with the help of standard of reasonable person. In this way, it cannot be said that the defendant was negligent if the defendant had taken all the reasonable precautions and therefore it can be said that the conduct of the defendant was according to the standard of care of any of the reasonable person. Another significant case in this regard is that of Caparo Industries v Dickman (1990). In this case, the test for deciding the duty of care was provided by the court. According to this test, in order to establish the duty of care of the defendant, it has to be considered if the injury or the loss of the claimant was caused by the conduct of the defendant and such injury or loss was reasonably foreseeable. Another requirement is that there should be sufficiently proximate relationship. This means that under the circumstances of the case, they are considered as neighbors. It is also required in such cases if imposing liability on the defendant would be just and fair (Keenan, 2007). The legal position is that generally a duty of care is not owned by the defendant if all the reasonable steps have been taken that were required to prevent or reduce the harm that may be suffered by the other party due to such conduct. But if a potentially dangerous situation has been created even without any fault of a person, the duty of care provides that such a person should have taken all reasonable steps in order to make sure that any other person does not suffer a loss or injury. It also needs to be noted and in this regard that a person can be held responsible for breaching the duty of care for only an omission also. Similarly if there is a previous relationship between them, it can be said that the defendant has breached the duty of care. In this regard it also leads to be noted that in some cases, a statute may also impose such a relationship on the parties (Sappideen et al, 2009). The second issue in this case is related with the liability of the champagne manufacturer as Mark was hit by the cork stopper of the bottle. In its decision in Donoghue v Stevenson, it was stated by the court that the tort of negligence is an individual tort in itself. Civil action can be taken by the plaintiff if the negligence of the defendant has resulted in a loss or injury to the plaintiff. But prior to the decision of the court in Donoghue v Stevenson, it was necessary for the plaintiff to prove that a contractual agreement was present between the parties for establishing negligence. But in this case, the drink was not purchased by the plaintiff and therefore the plaintiff and defendant were not in a contractual relationship. Despite this situation, the manufacturer was held to be liable for negligence. Therefore, it has been firmly established that a duty of care is owned by the manufacturers towards their ultimate consumers. Application: Mark, Peter and Mary had consumed champagne while celebrating their business venture at Watchout Point. After drinking champagne, Peter walks towards the edge and asked others to do so but Martin may remain in the car. On reaching the edge of the cliff, Peter loses his balance and falls off. Due to the fall, Peter suffers injuries and also breaks his leg. But it needs to be noted in this case that the Willow Council had erected a 2 m high fence so that the visitors to the Watchout Point can be prevented from going near the edge. Although warning signs have not been installed by the Council at that point but declared was clearly visible to the visitors. The pledge was in fact a part of the enchanting scenery due to which a number of visitors were attracted to that place. Therefore the question arises if it is possible for Willow Council to install warning signs at all the places where there could be a danger of falling off. At the same time, as a result of the limited resources of the Council, it needs to be seen what can be reasonably done by the Council to prevent people from falling off that place and had the Council taken all those steps in this case. There is also the issue of champagne manufacturer's liability for the injury suffered by Mark by the cork stopper of the bottle. The legal position in this regard is that it is the duty of the manufacturers to warn the consumers and such duty should be reasonably discharged by them. In the present case, it was the duty of the champagne manufacturer to inform the ultimate consumers that the bottle has peculiar cap and therefore a person may be injured if it is not handled properly. But in the present case, the manufacturer of premium French champagne has not mentioned any warning on the bottle of champagne. Therefore, while opening the bottle, the cork stopper hit Mark and he had a bloody nose. On the basis of the above mentioned law and its application to the facts of the present case, it can be said that the duty of care has been discharged by Willow Council towards Peter. Therefore, it cannot be said that the council is liable for the injuries suffered by Peter. The reason behind this conclusion is that the Council has taken all reasonable precautions in this case to prevent the people from falling off the cliff. On the other hand, the second issue in this case that deals with the champagne manufacturer's liability, it can be stated that the manufacturer of premium when champagne can be held liable for the breach of duty of care as the ultimate consumers of the champagne were not warned that the bottle contained a particular cap which could injure the consumers while opening it, if it is not handled properly. As a result, it can be said in this case that Mark can be successful if he decides to initiate action against the wine company. References Keenan (2007) Smith Keenan's English Law (15th edn), Pearson Longman Sappideen, Vines, Grant Watson, 2009, Torts: Commentary and Materials, Lawbook Co, 10th ed, pp. 374-5 Case Law Blyth v Birmingham Waterworks Co (1856) 11 Ex 781 Caparo Industries Plc v. Dickman (1990) 2 AC 605 Donoghue v Stevenson (1932) AC 562 Greatlakes Shire Council v. Dederer Anor [2006] NSWCA 101 Overseas Tankship v. Morts Dock Engineering Co., Ltd. [1961] AC 388 (Wagon Mound case) Wyong Shire Council V. Shirt [1980] HCA 12; 146 CLR 40